Ruby in Paradise (1993) Poster

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Interesting, slice-of-life indie film
LilyDaleLady22 April 2005
Very slow-paced, but intricately structured and ultimately very touching. A nice, very true-to-life look at a small Florida beach town in the dead of winter -- I've been there, and this is absolutely accurate.

It's also the debut feature of actress Ashley Judd, and she makes a big impression here. It's hard to believe this film is 12 years old -- I remember seeing it in theaters, and I recently rented "Ruby" again. Except for the 80's looking clothes, it has held up very nicely. Ashely is so radiant and touching here, that it's hard to think of her subsequent career without wincing. Boy, talk about failing to fulfill your early promise! Anyone seeing Ashley here in "Ruby In Paradise" would assume this elegant, natural beauty went on to all kinds of interesting art films and serious acting -- instead she has become the "go to" girl for dumb action films and slasher movies! Very disappointing, but at least we have this lovely performance preserved to showcase her early promise.

As some other commenter's say, this is not for everyone as it's very slow paced. This is not an action film, nor is it really a romance. The director (Victor Nunez, "Ulees Gold", another excellent character study) treats this ordinary young woman's life with deep respect, allowing her story to build slowly and with a lot of detail. In that way, I think this is one of the most moving and respectful coming-of-age stories about young women that I can recall -- it's not about Ruby's sexual awakening or "how she lost her virginity", but about her life choices and her growing maturity.

A lovely film, if you take the time to watch it...I think it would be a really excellent film to show teens and young girls (or boys for that matter) and give them a chance to think about and discuss it.

Particular kudos to director Nunez, who also wrote the script, which is so realistic and nicely detailed that I assumed all through the movie that it was based on a female-written novel or memoir, but in fact it's Mr. Nunez's original work. Rated 8 out of 10.
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Not for everyone
howie7331 December 2004
Victor Nunez imbues this unsentimental tale of a young woman's emotional journey with a sense of poetry seldom seen in cinema. By poetry I mean the sense in which the literary and the cinematic come into play. There is something very literary about the film, almost as if a novel has been adapted page by page to screen. In this sense, the film achieves depths many cannot; but it is also rather slow at other times, undercutting the depths it once achieved in favor of ennui. The film's star Ashley Judd has not yet made a better film than her debut here. She fits the role of lead Ruby like a glove, almost as if she didn't have to act. She has true movie star presence in the film, and hasn't really managed to convey the same allure in her later films, although she was impressive in Normal Life.
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One Of The Best-Kept Secrets In Cinematic History. This Is A Great Film.
Real_Review23 August 2019
This film features an accurate depiction of a Florida tourist town in the off-season, as well as the acting range and talent of Ashley Judd.

Panama City, Florida no longer resembles anything like the town seen in this film from 1993. Nearly everything you see in this film, from the souvenir shop to the iconic space needle, have all been destroyed by either tropical storms or capitalism. So, when watching the film, you are witnessing lost history.

Anyone who has lived in a tourist town knows the unsettling quiet nature of the off-season. It can be shocking to see a place that is often pictured with so much activity being completely empty. It's off-putting at first, but peaceful. The open space gives the local residence an entire city that feels like a quiet beachfront park. Most of this film is shot in Panama City during the off-season, and it was the perfect setting for cerebral Ruby to experiment and contemplate her life.

Ashley Judd plays a character that evolves throughout the film. The film has less dialog than most, and requires a lot of non-verbal acting. It is not an easy task to show personal growth in 90 minutes without many lines, but Ashley Judd proves capable in this tough role. Oh, by the way, she carries the entire film with her performance. Amazing.

RealReview Posting Scoring Criteria: Acting - 1/1; Casting - 1/1; Directing - 1/1; Story - 1/1; Writing/Screenplay - 1/1;

Total Base Score = 5

Modifiers (+ or -): Originality: +1;

Authentic Location Shooting: +0.5 (Shot in a past version of Panama City, Florida, that no longer exists - before the huge 'Spring Break' influx and a few major storms. The outside shots are nostalgic and a little sad to anyone that has spent time there over the years.);

Standout Performances: +1 ( Ashley Judd . Vulnerable, naive, clever, thoughtful, ever evolving from start-to-finish... A huge acting performance in such a small film.);

Believability/Consistency: +0.5 (Captured the feel of a small Florida tourist town in the off season. Unfortunately, they avoided the early 'Spring Break' crowd and activity that would have been extra nostalgic.);

Editing-Too Long: -0.5 (The night club sequence should have been much shorter. They didn't pay for decent music, the set and clothing were out-of-date, and there were too many people there for it to have been the off season.);

Total RealReview Rating: 7.5 (rounded up to 8 for IMDB.)
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Great Life Affirming Film
saustinman26 February 2004
I remember 1993 as a year of great female performances. You had Angela Bassetts striking interpretation as Tina Turner in What's Love Got to Do With It; Debra Winger as the dying American Joy Gresham in Shadowlands; Winona Ryder manipulative as May Welland in The Age of Innocence; and the silent power in Holly Hunters performance in The Piano. But as great as these performances were, no performance was better than Ashley Judds, Ruby Lee Gissing in Ruby In Paradise.

What a GREAT film.

There are scenes in this film that ring a sense of truth to what we say and act on, in human nature, as "real" people and not of what Hollywood synthesizes the fake emotions of what human nature should be like. Take for example in the scenes where Ruby trying to be employed and make an existence for herself; trying to work for living. If this was a big Hollywood studio film, her character would be receiving monthly support payments from God. Ashley Judd, and director Victor Nunez, do a great dance of allowing the character to make choices that are truthful and not false.

Other film recommendations on similar themes see Erick Zonka's Dreamlife of Angels.
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Just right for college kids
2Pass_Time5 August 2022
I would have loved this flick then. Ashley Judd is so gorgeous and the kind of character I would have connected with then. Now? Not so much. I don't ruminate about life, just try to survive with some degree of grace.
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A quiet, simple moving film
galapagos180926 July 2002
I cannot begin to describe how amazing this movie is. Suffice it to say, anytime I'm depressed about how unfair or futile things seem, this is the movie I go rent to put me in the right frame of mind. The background music makes you realize the easiness of existence and how simplicity provides for the greatest happiness. The Indian girl that sings is but one example of a character in this film who does not try hard, and is happy as a result. Persifina, the laundry co-worker of Ruby's (Ashley Judd) is another=-her eyes and smile could make the hardest person's day. I watch this movie and I dream of better days to come or of a good conversation with friends, and I realize that being alone--Ruby is alone quite often--isn't the same as being lonely. Recommended for anyone who enjoys a thoughtful lull of a movie.
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Artful coming-of-age story starring Ashley Judd, by the director of "Ulee's Gold"
briner-26 January 2007
"Ruby in Paradise" is a beautiful, coming-of-age story about a young woman, Ruby Lee Gissing, escaping her stifling roots to become herself. Although the title character is played artfully by the gorgeous Ashley Judd -- in likely her first movie role, albeit one to be quite proud of -- the emphasis is not upon becoming "somebody," a la the next Madonna (whether Jesus' mother or the lurid, attention-hungry singer).

It instead emphasizes following ones' instincts and being somewhat introspective about them, to grow into one's ideal, adult self. NOTE: This isn't an action movie!!! It uses an occasional voice-over narration (by Ms. Judd) while writing in her journal -- and oh, I see I've just lost the male half of the readers out there. But be patient with this beautiful movie, where we learn that one's bliss can be discovered in -- oh, I dunno, carrying water and chopping wood.

Actor/director/writer Todd Field, who played Nick Nightingale in "Eyes Wide Shut," co-stars as Ruby Lee's noble love interest, one who helps her heal her idea of relationships implanted from youth.

But not even his character is the answer for Ruby Lee: There's no external hero imposed upon her. The ultimate message is that we are responsible for ourselves. Writer/director Victor Nunez, who also wrote/directed "Ulee's Gold," did an amazing job showing a young woman growing into herself -- confronting age-old challenges of good v. evil along the way.

The supporting cast is also stellar, and the music used, particularly the cuts by chanteuse Sam Phillips (whom I hear is the wife of T. Bone Burnett), is right on -- most especially "Trying to Hold on to the Earth." Now, when I hear the first few chords of that song, tears spring to my eyes, Pavlovian and unbidden -- not sure if it's the music, or the indelible connection to the movie's quiet, charming message of empowerment.

This movie is highly recommended for any young person trying to find his/her way. For any woman of any age, it is a must see! The downside: It is NOT on DVD, except in Spanish. (We learned, however, that it is legal to make one copy of a VHS version, which can be readily found online. My beloved husband found someone with a VHS copy and got a DVD copy made for me.) Although this treasure of a movie occasionally pops up on-air – on an indie channel, usually – you can't count on that when you might need it most as a tonic to soothe the pressures of the world. So buy a copy for yourself.

This movie should have a major re-release, and it would, if I were Queen of Hollywood.

-- Figgy Jones
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Slow as molasses
rhu-8486421 December 2022
An interesting title doesn't always mean an interesting film. If you want to see endless closeups of Ashley Judd's expressionless face for hours on end, you're in luck. The only character with any degree of life or spark is Dorothy Lyman, the rest of the people in this film are dull as dishwater. As you sit around waiting for something to happen and glancing at the clock, you come to the slow realization of just how limited Judd's acting range is, and that she always seems to play the same character over and over. Not sure why anyone would bless this snoozefest with ten stars, but there's no accounting for taste. Another in a long line of films that yields nothing for the patient viewer.
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A Hidden Gem Worth Seeing
thirdi28 September 2001
In the sea of crap that Hollywood (and others) continue to put out, this is one of those diamonds in the rough. A small, simple movie that is very entertaining and leaves you with the feeling that you didn't just waste an hour and a half of your life.

Ashley Judd is really quite amazing in this movie. I had never really been a fan or had noticed her before but going back and seeing this early performance of hers convinced me she's extremely talented.

Watching this film was an assignment in a college course for me so I was skeptical I would even care. I thought, "Oh boy, some dumb chic flick or feminist male-bashing indie crap..." I was pleasantly surprised. Without analyzing the many relevant themes, I'll just say, if you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and check it out. Sometimes the down-to-earth, slice-of-life movies are the best, and this is a great one.
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Overly Feminist Agenda
ccthemovieman-117 November 2006
Ashley Judd, in an early role and I think her first starring role, shows her real-life rebellious nature in this slow-moving feminist soap opera. Wow, is this a vehicle for political correctness and extreme Liberalism or what?

Being a staunch feminist in real life, she must have cherished this script. No wonder Left Wing critic Roger Ebert loved this movie; it's right up his political alley, too.

Unlike the reviewers here, I am glad Judd elevated herself from this moronic fluff to better roles in movies that entertained, not preached the heavy-handed Liberal agenda.
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The Best Coming-Of-Age Movie I Have Ever Seen !
RockGrey14 September 2003
This was the first movie I ever saw Ashley Judd in and the first film of Victor Nunez' that I ever say, and boy am I glad I did. Its' quiet tone, its' relaxed pace, its' realistic depiction of a young woman just starting out in life, its' fine depiction of the struggles she has to go through to make her mark in life, the decisions she makes based on real things, the people she meets - there is nothing wrong with this movie. It is as close to movie magic as I have ever seen outside of the " Star Wars " movies, and, given what those films are like, that means this film deserves a high rating indeed. Ashley Judds' acting, Mr. Nunez'writing, and its' great simple worthwhile story make this a fine coming-of-age story and a wonderful movie.
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Unexpected Diamond
donojhawk30 May 2001
My brother brought this movie home from the rental store and I remember expecting it to be such a bore. I think the title especially put me off. I can't ever remember starting a movie with such low expectations and being so completely won over. I watched the movie twice before I let my brother take it back to the store. It is very infrequent that a movie speaks to me the way this one did. I was completely caught up in Ruby's situation as she tries to make her way through her life. The bad thing about this movie is that it seems to end so quickly. I could have kept watching for hours. Another downside is that I have been unsatisfied with everything Ashley Judd has done since. She is so perfect in this movie. This film is easily in my top ten favorites of all time.
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Like watching paint dry.
traveler75758 July 2002
First, let me state that I am a big fan of Ashley Judd; that's why I was curious to check out this, her debut role. No argument that her talent is apparent and her performance excellent. I guess I can also see how the professional critics liked the aesthetic content of the story. However, I like to think that movies are meant to entertain us and that is where this movie fails.

By the halfway point, I found myself thinking, "How much longer do we have to watch a bored shop girl, idly standing around a deserted souvenir shop, rearranging the merchandise?" It seemed to go on forever!

Then, I thought, maybe this is one of those movies where the director tries to lull the audience into a relaxed state before hitting them with some dynamic event. No such luck. The movie continues it's bland, boring, uneventful story all the way to the end.

I'm not saying this because I'm an action-junkie. I like all kinds of movies, especially romantic-comedies. But I expect to be entertained.

Add the fact that the cinematography and sound quality are comparable to your neighbor's bad home movies. Depressing!

I just don't get how anyone could like this movie. Zero-entertainment value. The longest 114 minutes of my life.
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Great story, true to life
noles198417 February 2011
Though this film may seem slow and lacking situational problems that perk up any other drama, this is as close to life as it gets. This film looks inward on the character of Ruby... as a woman trying to get by with what little she has in education and work experience.

People do leave the "hollars" of eastern Kentucky and Tennessee to head for the Florida panhandle, a paradise to people from the two states mentioned. The people, like Ruby (Judd), find only a change of scenery, weather, and new people with their own similar problems.

Judd discovers her life is not instantly changed. She finds herself needing a man when she wants to make it on her own. No matter the man she chooses to be with, they're not enough for her to progress in her goals.

Judd is a superb actress in this film and it would have been hard for another actress in 1993 to play this role in a film that would not be a blockbuster.
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billsoccer5 November 2021
Judd seems to have specialized in 'white trash runs away from man' roles. This is different only in that there is never any suspense or surprise, drama, tension. None! The entire plot is: Girl leaves hillbilly, winds up in small town, lands job, has a couple romances, is satisfied with her life. Husband doesn't come back to threaten her, she doesn't descend into drugs, etc. Couldn't be more boring.
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All I can say is "Run it again"
rion-19 March 2001
I've watched this film a dozen times at least. Victor Nunez has created a wonderful work of art, and Ashley Judd is an amazing actor. This movie has tremendous substance in so many ways, I'm mesmerized each time I see it. I would recommend this movie to anyone interested in substantive films.
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Best Summer Movie
kiahevans-7997222 June 2021
Drama, Romance, and coming-of-age is just three genres I would classify this film in, but I could think of more. Ruby in Paradise is a perfect balance of those three genres, and it is seamless. As the story unfolds, you get sucked in deeper with each step that Ruby takes. From her job endeavors to her love interests, you sit on the edge of your seat waiting to see the person Ruby becomes. This film is so perfectly shot that you feel some sort of emotional connection with this movie. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who values a great film.
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Refreshingly honest
KFL3 August 2001
Another one of those films you hear about from friends (...or read about on IMDb). Not many false notes in this one. I could see just about everything here actually happening to a young girl fleeing from a dead-end home town in Tennessee to Florida, with all her worldly possessions in an old beaten-up car.

The heroine, Ruby, makes some false starts, but learns from them. I found myself wondering why, why didn't she lean a bit more on Mike's shoulder, but...she has her reasons, as it turns out.

Just a fine film. The only thing I don't much like about it, I think, is the title.
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great understated performance
SnoopyStyle12 May 2015
Ruby Lee Gissing (Ashley Judd) leaves behind her man in Tennessee to start anew in Panama City, Florida. It's off-season and she pleads for a sales clerk job from Mildred Chambers. She's befriended by Rochelle Bridges. Mildred forbids her to go out with her arrogant womanizing son Ricky. She secretly sleeps with him nevertheless. She struggles to figure out life. She gets involved with opinionated liberal greenhouse grower Mike McCaslin (Todd Field) while Ricky keeps hounding her.

It's a great understated performance from Ashley Judd. Ruby is searching for meaning and her place in the world. There is a loneliness in her life that she's trying to fill. The movie is effectively laid back. The narration adds to the feeling of searching. It puts in words her internal struggles as defined by her relationships to men.
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This is my new all-time favorite
selma210 August 1998
If there are words that are up to the task of describing this movie, I don't know what they are. Victor Nunez's understanding of what it's like to be a young, single woman trying to carve out a life for herself totally blows the idea that men and women are from different worlds out of the water. Watching "Ruby in Paradise" is like tailing along behind this woman as she goes through life, experiencing the mundane and profound moments mixed together and trying to figure out which is which. Ruby is wonderfully strong, brave, kind, and imperfect, and just the kind of woman that I want to be.
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Well Rounded!
javaribrown17 June 2021
The film that Victor Nunez presents is very thought provoking and presents many questions about what we want out of life. With a great story to tell, it is presented in detail and has its moments in which the emotions of it all start taking a toll. Ashley Judd leads an excellent cast in Ruby in Paradise showing that what you ultimately want can be difficult at times in which you have to buckle down. Ruby navigates her way through life with obstacles in her way but gets the best of them. A great film with an excellent storyline in which serves as motivation to many watching.
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A Modern Gem that Uniquely Explores our Inner Life
munroekennedi17 June 2021
Victor Nunez's 1993 film Ruby in Paradise is an insightful blend of romance, drama, and philosophy, that fondly reminds audiences that we are never alone in the journey to finding ourselves. Nunez's writing and direction is an honest and personal observation of the identity crisis we face when our dreams are halted by the stark realities of life. As we follow Ruby through her experiences in heartbreak, failure, and anxiety, we find a narrative that is comfortingly familiar to anyone's own life. Nunez does not reach for a fast-paced action, or otherworldly setting, but rather keeps us grounded in neighbor's pies and dead tourist shops, allowing a unique connection with the audience by not asking them to escape from the mundanity of their lives, but rather find gratitude in the simplicity of living. Ashley Judd's performance as Ruby is likeable, subtle, and earnest, giving prominence to intuitive acting. By simply existing within the scene, Judd elevates Nunez's writing to focus on the journey within rather than the consequences of big external events. Ruby in Paradise impresses by inviting a connection on a genuine human level not necessarily specific to gender or identity, making it worth revisiting 28 years later.
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Empowering coming of age story
parisgraham-360619 June 2021
The 1993 film Ruby in Paradise, written and directed by Victor Nuñez, is a coming of age film that delves masterfully into the life of Ruby Lee Gissing, a young woman boldly in the search of freedom and independence from her old life. Ruby, played by Ashley Judd in her breakout role, is finding her way as she navigates relationships, work, and figuring out how to get the best out of life. Taking place in both the on and off seasons of a tourist town on the panhandle of Florida, Nuñez does an outstanding job of creating an elaborate setting and atmosphere that draws the audience in. Ruby's life parallels with the environment around her, as she faces the ups and downs that come with figuring out what she wants out of life. I highly recommend watching this film!
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Indie gem; Judd's best performance prior to 'going Hollywood'
george.schmidt21 April 2003
RUBY IN PARADISE (1993) ***1/2 Ashley Judd, Todd Field, Dorothy Lyman, Bentley Mitchum. Delightful coming of age story about a young woman discovering her independence in a small Florida resort town. Outstanding breakthrough performance by newcomer Judd and heart-felt narrative that never loses interest.
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