Summer Job (1989) Poster


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It's a terrible film--but it has a warm place in my movie-watching heart
BenGW118 October 2001
I gave SUMMER JOB a 5 out of 10. An explanation is surely in order, because I happen to think this is a bad movie: a comedy without many jokes, written and directed on a level that would need more work to pass muster in a high-school film studies class.

Yet a 5 it gets. Why? Because SUMMER JOB was one of the first T&A comedies I ever rented at Blockbuster (I didn't rent all of the other ones, just some of them) and even though it was stupid, it was also harmless, had the "good people" winning out at the end over the jackasses and witches, and didn't have pretensions of being more than it was. In fact, the movie's stupidity made it more, not less, fun.

This video probably won't be available--to the extent it's really widely available--once video stores start following Blockbuster's lead and replacing VCR tapes with DVDs, so I wanted to say my peace on it before it disappears, for a movie that is bad yet not easy to forget, try as one might.
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Summer Job may not be groundbreaking, but it's worth your time if you have the appropriate expectations
kevin_robbins24 March 2024
I recently revisited Summer Job (1989) on Tubi. The storyline follows a group of college kids assigned to a summer job taking care of a pool area at a resort. Each of them has different motives, from wanting to be cool, to scoring chicks, and simply having a good time. Their efforts are overseen by a young lady tasked with keeping them in line.

Directed by Paul Madden (Medium Rare), the film stars Sherrie Rose (Unlawful Entry), Jim Pelish (Runaway Dreams), Amy Lynn Baxter (Karate Warrior 2), James Summer, Karen-Eileen Gordon (Legally Blonde 2), and Cari Mayor (Lauderdale).

As a childhood favorite of mine, I must have watched "Summer Job" a hundred times on HBO growing up. It captures the classic 80s vibe from the opening song onward. The humor, content, premise, and circumstances evoke the spirit of films like "Police Academy" and "Porky's." The attractive cast members provide the expected dashes of topless nudity, adding to the film's appeal. While the characters are easy to root for and the storyline is straightforward, the direction and conclusion is predictable.

In conclusion, Summer Job may not be groundbreaking, but it's worth your time if you have the appropriate expectations. I'd give it a 4/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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The cover says it all
mullermike23 February 2005
This movie had everything I hoped for, bad acting, cheesy 80s music, big hair, exquisite mullets, rampant nudity and mindless fun. I honestly can't say that there is much of a premise to this movie, a plot would have killed this joyride. To best summarize this Z flick, it's about a bunch of kids from around the country spending the summer working, well, a summer job.

This group of kids (or in reality, adults in their mid to late 20s) included a cowboy, a spastic geek, a fat guy, a jock, a princess, and a couple of mega hotties with mega big hair. This privileged bunch were picked from over 600 applicants for the job of a lifetime, they should have felt so fortunate. This group learns all about heartbreak, sex, voyeurism, dirty old men, psychotic cooks, you name it, all in one short summer. T&A galore, painfully bad dialogue and a gut wrenching performance by Orkestra, which features members of Electric Light Orchestra all decked out in white suits, oh ya!! I had too much fun watching this schlock fest. My friend said it best when he said this movie has aged like milk, it has the 80s written all over it from the second it starts.

I can't believe I've already devoted this many words to describe this rubbish but I will say I'm not surprised that all of the members of this movie's cast never developed an acting career, not even George O!! This is the kind of garbage that you used to see on USA Up All Night, so if you're a fan of trashy 80s beach films, then by all means, go see it. Just accept it for what it is.
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its about fun in the sun
vindicator1931 March 2004
this movie is about having fun in the sun. It's an 80's movie and thats what makes it good. Beautiful women and a few whacky guys wrapped up in crazy shannigans. this is an uncomplicated movie and is great to rent on a friday night int he summer or during those cold nights in the winter. I remember when this movie was shown on tv alot on saturday afternoons. i remember how i would laugh at what happens in it. Seriously, if you want to feel better and laugh, this is the movie to rent. Watch for the beautiful sherrie rose and amy lynn Baxter and chantal. Along witht he rest of the cast. even though theres lots of T And A there is a message to this movie and thats that no matter who you are you're important. As the theme song in this movie says, " You've got the pwoer to do anything you want to." So rent this movie, let yourself go, have a good time.
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Dumb but inoffensive.
gridoon19 December 1999
"Summer Job" is billed as a sex comedy, I suppose, but it fails on both counts: it's tame and unerotic and, at the same time, thoroughly unfunny. The characters are stereotypical, the acting is poor, the humor level low and nobody would accuse the film of intelligence. However, all this imbecility seemed inoffensive to me, maybe because it never gets downright sleazy, and the film is certainly a lot less boring than several "high-profile" motion pictures.
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Why so bad?
Hermit C-22 May 1999
Why do movies of this type have to be SO bad? I realize nobody's setting out here to make 'Citizen Kane' but it seems like someone could make one of these jiggle-and giggle things without it being so moronic. I guess the word must come down from on high (the money men): keep it stupid. Maybe some karma is at work here, too. After years and years of women playing airheads and bimbos, men are shown as maybe even more imbecilic.

Girlwatchers will want to note the presence of Amy Lynn Baxter and Sherrie Rose among the female cast. It's best to watch with the sound turned down. Film and cultural historians can accurately fix the date of this production by noting the recent fashion innovation, the thong bathing suit.
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Summer Job
BandSAboutMovies25 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At Parkers Racquet Club, the summer jobs have started and that brings in the regular staff for the season, which includes Kathy Shields (Sherrie Rose, who was Professor Ursula Undershaft in the Black Scorpion movies), Bob (Dave Clouse), Jack (James Summer) and Susan (Amy Lynn Baxter, who was in Karate Warrior 2 as well as the inside cover of Howard Stern's Private Parts book). There are also some new workers such as Tom (Kirt Earhardt), Bruce (Fred Bourdin), Herman (George Ortuzar), Karen (Renee Shugart, Screwball Hotel), Donna (Cari Mayor, who along with Shugart was in Lauderdale) and Barbara (Chantal, yes just one name, who was also in Dream Trap).

Directed by Paul Madden and written by Ralph Gaby Wilson, the main reason I watched this is because Sherrie Rose was also in Killer Crocodile, Martial Law 2: Undercover, Cy Warrior and most importantly, American Rickshaw.

There's not much else I can recommend within this movie other than everyone is very attractive and willing to get naked for a teen sex comedy. Also: If you like ELO, well, you're going to love the band in this, OrKestra. I've seen plenty of people say that this is like when the kids on Saved by the Bell worked at the Malibu Sands for a summer, but I always got the idea that Stacey Carosi was 100% making Zack Morris her bottom by night.
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Not as bad as it might have been
Groverdox13 January 2019
"Summer Job" isn't as bad as it might have been, which I realise is small praise. But when you watch enough '80s boob comedies, you learn to appreciate small miracles.

The set up, if anyone actually cares, is that a group of teens (who all look much older - one even has a receding hairline) get a job at a hotel over the summer holidays.

That's basically it.

The movie wastes little time in showing the girls all in various states of undress, and the receding hairline guy trying to spy on them. The movie does deliver on the T & A, more so than most boob comedies from the '80s do. But it doesn't really have any characters - no one has a discernible personality - and no plot either, really. There is some nonsense about a prank war between two of the girls, though you won't be able to work out which ones. One puts hair dye in the other's shampoo.

There is a silly scene where a boy and girl undress each other on the beach in slow motion. It goes on for so long that you start wondering what they were thinking. Slow motion scenes that last for more than a moment become awkward and embarrassing, as this one does.

There is a long lull toward the end of the movie, where we get dialogue from characters the movie has been singularly unable to establish with personalities or make us care about, so watching them talk and listening to what they have to say becomes boring. The movie also takes a long break from showing nudity.

And then - oh, god - there's a live band performance. Why do these movies always have to have one of these? Are they just trying to pad the run time out?

The ending, also, completely comes out of nowhere. It's one of those movies that just ENDS. Characters are talking and doing stuff and then, bam, there's the credits. They could have ended it anywhere else and it would have been the same.
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Decent late 1980's beach comedy! *contains brief spoilers*
ChipRinaldo14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While not the best beach / "teen" comedy out there, it is one that I watch with fondness. One thing that I like about the film is the locations where it was shot. Only knock are the some of the "night" scenes in which they use blue filter. One scene in particular are the couple playing / exploring out on a jetty...just before the scene where the fat guy is assaulted by the big woman in the hotel room. None of the acting is Oscar material but that's okay. It's one of the movies where you just "switch off" and enjoy. Most of the male cast are chasing after Kathy, who doesn't fancy any of them. The chubby guy who wants to become (and then becomes) a lifeguard is the one who gets Kathy in the end while the "Old Pro Bob" (LOL) gets snagged by Cookie! I have this film on Videodisc (remember those?!) and it will never leave my collection.
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80's feel good movie
esaysfku16 January 2010
I don't understand why people are trashing this movie so bad... I mean meatballs or spaceballs didn't have the best acting but they are great movies....this is a funny feel good type of movie with a lot of young nudity....i love some of the 80 teen movies because it brings back memories of when we were young and acted crazy and this movie def put a smile on mine and my girlfriends yea please stop trashing the wasn't made to win Oscars or academy awards...and if you don't like this type of movie then don't watch it....I personally don't watch movies in genres that I know I won't like then write bad reviews bout them....for an 80's screwball comedy with no name actors this movie does the job... Puts smiles on your faces!!
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This is how guys should live
vindicator1925 April 2004
This movie is about fun in the sun, chasing girls, and having a good time on your summer vacation. Filmed in a beautiful location, some guys and girls get jobs and then chase each other around and have a great party at the end with some cool music which says, " you've got the power to do anything you want to." This is a movie thats great to rent on a saturday night when you're with your girlfreind and you just want to laugh and have a good time. Relax, turn off your brain, and reward ourself with this excellent movie. one of the great things abut this movie is that you feel like you're free. You can be free with this movie. Think what you want to think. do what you want to do. Relax and try not to take life so seriosuly. Rent this movie and veiw it. You wont regreat that. I'd give this movie an A-plus, 10 out of 10. Enjoy, and relax
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parkay90928 September 2018
I'm not sure about the 2&3 star reviews. This movie is what it is; an 80s b film comedy. If your expecting something else...

No real plot just pranks and laughs. The humor is quite witty without being too raunchy like many of its counterparts.

The acting isn't actually that awful. Technically the production is quite good, especially for a low budget film.

Decent 80s original soundtrack, it is punctuated by many former members of ELO.
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Be prepared for AWESOMENESS!
Aomalle2719 June 2007
Watch this movie, if for no other reason, than for this bit of dialog. Man and woman dining on the beach, woman orders crab from the waiter. Waiter replies, "We don't have crab." She wines "I want crabs", man delightfully responds "I can give you crabs." Hahahahahahahahaha. Also a great scene involving a sexy mystery lady, who disappears for the last 45 minutes of the movie. A fat guy who gets in shape, but then still appears to be fat at the end of the movie. A girl that accidentally dies her entire body purple. A sexual position alluded to "The polar bear"? (kinda wanna know what that involves actually....possibly ice, possibly the remains of a leopard seal? hmm)
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An excitable romp
GOWBTW18 August 2019
Working at the beach can be exciting. For a group of college coeds, it's a dream like no other. They come from mostly other states, and attending different colleges. At least they know how to have fun. They would pull pranks on one another. Have sexual interactions. When one worker was girl shy, he would later get lucky with the bratty princess. And the scene where one guy gets a painful grope for being too handsy. This movie may not have big stars, but the looks of the late 80's was nice. Too many people would put down this movie. I wouldn't. There's a lot of late 80's looks, and a good storyline to make it worth watching. It was very funny to say the least. 4 out of 5 stars.
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Waste of one's time and patience.
Captain_Couth16 October 2003
Ghastly 80's t & a comedy. There's nothing about this movie that's remotely entertaining. I hated it when I was a teen and I still hate it today. Boring film about some punk kids (who are too old to be young adults) who have a summer job whining one minute and trying to fool around the next. Save your time and don't waste it on mindless bunk like this. TEASE! Not worthy of anything. F
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Terrible teen-sex comedy
lor_10 April 2023
My review was written in May 1989 after a Cannes Film Festival Market screening.

Unbelievably in theatrical release Stateside, "Summer Job" represents the nadir of the teen sex-comedy genre, an amateur-night film deficient on all levels.

Plotless wonder, with seven producers credited, including underachieving scripter Ralph Wilson, runs through tired sight gags and stupid dialog that is so badly acted and mechanically executed one can only marvel at the cynicism of its makers.

Sherrie Rose is the young supervisor of college kids working at a Florida resort for the summer. There's some practical joking, fraternizing with grotesque guests and boring partying. None of it works or is the least bit diverting.

Paul Madden's minimalist direction repeats camera setups in the manner of early D. W. Griffith, avoids camera movement and omits any hint of action footage. Apparently some pretty girls dropping their tops for a second or two is supposed to justify the rest.

Flat line readings are par for the course, while the token nerd is overplayed embarrassingly by thesp billed as simply Geoge O.

Cannes Market audience laughed only once, when a foppish waiter ineptly took a stab at reciting French dialog.
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