The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988) Poster

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What we can learn from this film
kylopod19 October 2005
The real question that "The Naked Gun" poses is not why it's one of the funniest spoofs ever made, but why virtually no subsequent movie in this genre has been any good at all. I used to adore this sort of movie when I was a kid--"Airplane," "Top Secret," and the six-episode "Police Squad" show, which became the basis for the "Naked Gun" series, were among the funniest films I knew. When I first saw "The Naked Gun" in the theater when I was eleven, I was in uncontrollable laughter for the first few minutes. That was my standard of great humor at the time.

But the following decades gave us a variety of similar spoof films, some of which involved one or more of the Zucker-Abrams-Nielsen team, and none of these films were even remotely in the league of their predecessors. These included "Hot Shots," "Loaded Weapon 1," "Jane Austen's Mafia," "Spy Hard," "Wrongfully Accused," and "Scary Movie." These films would typically feature some funny stuff, but you'd walk away indifferently, wondering what the overall point was. Seeing a ponytailed Leslie Nielsen imitating John Travolta's dance sequence in "Pulp Fiction" is funny for a second, but there's nothing enduring about such humor. An entire movie filled with such scenes doesn't amount to much. What's the big deal about such jokes, anyway? There's nothing intrinsically funny about making references to other films, even if you do it in a silly way. At what point did the genre go wrong and become such a dreary, uninspired affair? Is it that I've just outgrown this sort of humor?

I have another theory. When I first watched "The Naked Gun" at age eleven, I had not seen many of the movies it was spoofing, such as the early James Bond pictures. I was vaguely familiar with some of the clichés it was making fun of, but many of the political and sexual jokes went right over my head. And the celebrity cameos meant nothing to me. So what was it about the film that appealed to me so much, that made me laugh till my sides hurt?

The answer is simple: it was the film's utter silliness. Think of the scene at the beginning when we discover that Ayatollah Khomeini secretly sports a mohawk underneath his turban. Or the opening credits where the police car goes on the sidewalk, inside buildings, on a roller coaster, and so on. None of this makes any sense, of course; it's just an exercise in pure absurdity. I loved "The Naked Gun" for pretty much the same reason I loved the Three Stooges or Bugs Bunny cartoons. Even as an adult, I appreciate unsubtle cartoon humor when it is handled effectively. As long as it makes me laugh, who cares that it's not "sophisticated"? For example, the scene where Lt. Drebin breaks into a building and tries to be as quiet as possible, but then inadvertently sets off a player piano, is masterfully filmed.

Thus, "The Naked Gun" is farce as much as it is satire. As I grew older, I would gain a greater appreciation for the one-liners, like "You take a chance getting up in the morning, crossing the street or sticking your face in a fan." To be sure, many of these jokes are dumb. They're supposed to be. That's the whole point. What I understood even at age eleven was that the movie was essentially playing games with the audience. When Lt. Drebin looks in a drawer and says "bingo," I knew immediately that the drawer would reveal a bingo board. I was used to this sort of humor, because I'd seen it in the earlier Zucker-Abrams films, where the jokes had a definite logic to them, and trying to predict them in advance was part of the fun. They have far more to do with audience anticipation than with trying to make us laugh at bad puns.

The modern spoof films have forgotten all this. They've forgotten that making a good spoof requires a measure of invention, even if much of the plot is ripped off from elsewhere. Car chases may not be original, but "The Naked Gun" is, as far as I know, the first film in which the chase is conducted by a student driver. This type of cleverness is largely absent from the modern spoofs, which assume that they have no reason to be creative when their ideas are based broadly on other films. They've forgotten that the most effective way to make fun of a cliché is by coming up with an ingenious twist. Even the characters in films like these matter, and Lt. Drebin is crafted in the grand tradition of other inept lawmen like Inspector Clousseau. This is what gives the film its own personal stamp that makes it more than an exercise in movie references.
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A movie that aged well
ddd-115 June 2020
I just rewatched this movie 32 years later after it has been shoot, and I must say, it has aged well, meaning, it is still funny and hilarious to watch. Okay, some scenes need some explanation to younger generation (like the opening Beirut scene is not really comprehensible to someone who was born in the nineties). But overall the jokes are delivered with a good timing and a still good hit/miss ratio. So, given that age of that movie, and how comparable movies have not aged as well, I am now increasing my rating from 7/10 to 9/10.
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Great blend of slapstick and one-liners
SmileysWorld4 January 2005
I suppose when it comes down to it,I am very easily entertained when it comes to comedy.It just doesn't take much to make me laugh.The makers of The Naked Gun did their job well.The film is so overloaded with sight gags,that if you blink,you just might miss one,or maybe even two of them.The slightest distractions will make you miss something.Some of the humor is vulgar and downright tasteless,but nonetheless funny.The final sequences involving the baseball game were the best.With the possible exception of O.J.Simpson,who was never good when he tried to act,this was a grand all around comedic effort,and comedy,as many have said,is hard to produce.I actually can recall the short lived television series that this film is based on.Only six episodes were produced,and it was a shame more were not made.I was glad to see it come roaring back on the big screen.Perhaps it belonged there all along.
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In praise of Leslie Nielsen....
Mister-66 October 1999
The movie itself is funny. "The Naked Gun" is without a doubt the best skewering of all cop movie cliches available in this day and age. It works on every conceivable level and a few that haven't been conceived yet.

But what puts it over the top is Leslie Nielsen.

It's amazing: he was great in "Airplane!", another classic from the ZAZ team (Zucker, Abrahams, Zucker), and in the lamentably short TV series "Police Squad!". But here, he spreads his wings and flies to new heights of insanity and delerium. With jaw set square and tongue firmly in cheek, Neilsen makes the role of Lt. Frank Drebin all his own and the movie-going public's collective life is all the more enriched because of it.

He's aided and abetted by greats like Kennedy, Presley and Montalban (who knew?) and the movie even finds good moments for John Houseman and Reggie Jackson.

As I said, the movie takes off and finds great things to do with police cars with a mind all their own and goes on from there to take on such cliches as car chases, illegal searches, the cleaning out of the desk, the trip to the police lab, shoot-outs, the lax housework of a single police detective, etc., etc., etc.....

And what other cop movie in the history of the world has a music video in the middle, courtesy of Herman's Hermits?

Just one.

Ten stars and a Dugout Dog for "The Naked Gun", the film that answers once and for all - can Leslie Nielsen do comedy?

I think you know the answer.
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Leslie Neilsen is a comedic genius.
jaysilentbob3721 February 2006
This is another movie from the creators of the ever hysterical Airplane. If you've seen Airplane, than you can expect the same kind of humor from this. This is one of those movies in which you can go crazy by trying to count the gags in the first ten minutes. Airplane did disaster films, this one does police dramas.

Frank Drebin (Leslie Neilsen) is a respected cop with gravel for a brain. He is part of a police force called Police Squad, who the security of Queen Elizabeth has just been handed to for her visit to Los Angeles. Frank bumbles through several hilarious scenarios in trying to foil an assassination attempt on her, and catch the attempted murderer of his best friend Nordberg (OJ Simpson). Meanwhile, he starts going out with the beautiful Jane Spencer (Priscilla Presley).

This movie goes from one hilarious situation to another, from commandeering a car that's being used for a drivers test, to trying to save a valuable pen from a fish tank. Leslie Neilsen's comedic timing is brilliant. His facial expressions during the slapstick sequences are priceless, as are his dead-seriousness of delivering one liners. Some of his quotes are so hilarious, that I have trouble figuring out how he could have possibly kept a straight face during filming. This is another classic in the same style as Airplane, which means hilarity. This gets a 9/10.

It is rated PG-13 for Crude and Sexual Humor, and for Some Language. Sex: 7/10 Violence: 4/10 Swearing: 4/10 Drugs: 5/10
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Even when you're not laughing you'll still be chuckling (as long as you're in the mood)
bob the moo11 July 2004
Fresh from tackling terrorism in Beruit, with his own unique hands on style, Lt Frank Drebin is immediately called onto the job to investigate the near fatal shooting of a fellow officer. Det Nordberg was gunned down investigating a case in the docks and Drebin's investigation begins with the company that Nordberg was undercover with – that of pillar of the community Vincent Ludwig. As Frank falls for Ludwig's PA, the beautiful Jane Spencer, he uncovers proof of a dastardly plot by Ludwig – but who will believe him?

If there is a man, woman or child on this earth who can say, hand on heart, that they just don't find Airplane, Naked Gun, Police Squad and the like funny then I would very much like to meet the sad sack just to discover what it takes to elicit a smile from them. Needless to say, this sort of film is very much my type of thing but not to the point where I cannot spot a good one from a bad one. In fact one of the big downsides of this film is that it did create many copies that just couldn't do it as well – so we have had spoofs of all sorts of genres recently, but too many have more hits than misses.

It is to this films credit that it has a very high hit/miss ratio and I enjoy it so much because the laughs keep coming. The material is very silly but it is the constant straight face that it delivers it with that is perfect and makes it work. Other films of the ilk have been overly silly without keeping this straight face. However, our characters here seem oblivious – apart from the odd one who gives the other a funny look etc, and this makes the goings on even funnier. The plot is silly but that doesn't matter as you will be laughing too much to really care. Having seen it so often I have stopped roaring the way I did the first time but I still chuckled all the way.

The writing and direction is spot on – delivering sharp lines that make me laugh due to their sheer unexpectedness or the way they are so very out of place as well as sight gags that are imaginative and clever. However lets not forget a delivery by a very talented cast who make the material work. Praise goes to Nielsen in the lead; he may have worn his role thin over the years with typecasting and, shall we say 'less than perfect' material but give him the tools and he'll do you a job. He can be straight, he can dither or he can just be a clown and he does them all here – his delivery is great whether it's action or reaction shots. Likewise I felt the rest of the cast did well even if most of them are given reaction shots to Drebin. Presley is straight and funny for it while Kennedy seems to fit into the material with ease. OJ doesn't have as much chance to be funny and seems a little stiff in the scenes he is in, but he is still good – just pales a little when next to the others. I love Montalban and he uses his ooze really well in this film – and his reaction shots are very good. The support is all good but it is Nielsen doing his (now) time-honoured turn as spoof-master than steals the show.

Overall I love this genre and consider this film (indeed the series) to be up there with Police Squad and Airplane. It is not as hilarious as Airplane but it has way more hits than misses and is relentlessly funny. As a film it isn't perfect but anyone watching this who complains about plot holes, lack of character development or lack of narrative really have missed the point.
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Lots of silly laughs with great entertainment and fun
ma-cortes13 October 2006
This likable silly farce with numberless comedy set pieces deals about the Agent Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) , he is assigned by Mayor (Nancy Marchand) to protect the Queen of England and thwart the plans of a cunning baddie (Ricardo Montalban) . Frank along with captain Ed (George Kennedy) must investigate the attempt murder of his mate policeman (O.J.Simson) . Meanwhile , he falls in love with a gorgeous woman (Priscilla Presley) .

This is a hilarious parody of the TV series :¨Police squad¨ with a similar premise to ¨Airplane¨ and ¨Top secret¨ . The spoof is surrealist , extreme and gross-out , but is also bold and intelligent with a myriad of imaginative sketches with no sense , slapdash and slapstick . The picture contains an unstopped string of gags each thirty seconds and silly jokes ; from start to finish the up-roaring comedy and humor result to be interminable , that's why the viewers will laugh uncontrollably . Habitual quirky and lunatic roles , especially reincarnated by Nielsen as a deadpan , idiot detective . Most of the laughs and sight gags galore work acceptably , particularly the jokes with the Queen's reception fiasco ; however, the overlong gags about the baseball are dull and boring . The picture is well screen-written and realized by Jim Abrahams and brothers Jerry , David Zucker (ZAZ) , parody pioneers and longtime collaborators with successful work making their own comedy troupe . Rated PG (parents guide) for some sexually , gags with occasional adult content and profanities . Followed by two inferior sequels with similar actors , elements and characters :¨The smell of fear¨ and ¨The final insult¨ . The film will appeal to absurd , unruly , wacky comedy fans . The movie is a Nielsen vehicle ,if you like his crazy , manic performance , you'll enjoy this one .
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Only Leslie Nielsen could do this!
lee_eisenberg19 January 2006
For sheer goof-ball exuberance, you needn't look any further than "The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!". Leslie Nielsen remains forever associated with the role of inept Lt. Frank Drebin, who always tries to do the right thing but always makes a mess of everything. Here, he's trying to foil an assassination attempt on Queen Elizabeth. Since this is from the people behind "Airplane!", it means that much of the humor derives from twisted dialogue and things popping out of the background. To crown it all, there's even a guest appearance by "Weird Al" Yankovic as himself. Also starring are Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, O.J. Simpson, and Ricardo Montalban.

And to think that Leslie Nielsen started out in movies like "Forbidden Planet"!
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Once is not enough.....
mark.waltz15 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Like the 1980 comedy classic "Airplane!", the first of the "Naked Gun" movies is a gem. It isn't an excellent film like "Airplane!" was, but it sure is an improvement over "Airplane II" which stalled the Zucker/Abrams films for almost a decade. A major part of "Airplane!", but other than flashbacks, absent from "Airplane II", Leslie Nielsen is back, this time in the lead and repeating his role of Lt. Frank Drebbin from the brief TV series "Police Squad". His squad team is new for the movies, and it includes a very funny George Kennedy and the accident prone O.J. Simpson whose mishaps will create hysterical laughs more for his personal life than for the funny way his basically decent character is abused.

The opening shows many long deceased world leaders being confronted by Nielsen in a very funny way, and from there comes in the opening credits, basically the same from the T.V. series, only with the title changed, and missing the special guest star credit that was a gag in every episode. (My personal favorites were Florence Henderson doing a Wesson commercial and being confronted by a disgruntled fan and Abraham Lincoln reacting to a shooter while at Ford's Theater.) The theme of the credits would remain a part of the series and were often some of the funniest bits in the show, including a bit of T&A (for those who like that sort of thing) and sometimes even a celebrity cameo that parodied their real life.

There's a great villain, played by real-life good guy Ricardo Montalban, and a gorgeous heroine, played by the angelic looking Priscilla Presley. Sexual innuendos provide laughs, and even if they could now be considered bad taste (particularly Nielsen ending out on a ledge of Montalban's condo complex, accidentally assaulting one of his neighbors with a concrete phallic symbol), you would have to be rather prissy to be offended by it all. Jeanette Charles, who more than just slightly resembles Queen Elizabeth II, is the victim of an assassination attempt, first seen in an encounter with Nielsen that puts her in an embarrassing "position", and later at a baseball game where she finds herself rather "inconvenienced" by passing sodas and hot dogs down the line in the royal box. The wonderfully imperious Nancy Marchand is hysterically funny as the mayor of L.A. (female and white, quite the opposite of L.A.'s then mayor Tom Bradley), and I longed for her in the next two movies where other imperious women replaced her in similar parts.

This is a film that you must see at least every couple of years, not only for the gags that you've forgotten, but for those you may have missed along the way on previous viewings. Certainly, this is what was considered a "popcorn" film back when the movie theaters were loaded with those (and not overwhelmed with noisy special effects), but it is definitely a crowd pleaser. Back in the time of its release, it probably was a film that guys dragged their girlfriends to (revenge for being dragged to chick flicks), but sometime tells me that even the ladies in the crowd could laugh at the delicious un-p.c. themes of the story, which slight at best and predictable, always keep you on your feet. The conclusion with the villain getting their come-uppance is delightfully disgusting, and of course, the best is saved for O.J. who could only scream "It Hertz!" as he takes lump after lump. Oh if only justice had been served that way during the trial of the century, but fortunately the "Naked Gun" movies allow us to laugh at him, as well as with him, because no matter how much he is hated now, you can't help but agree that he was a good sport.
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The Zucker's best. Nielson's best as well
Quinoa19849 April 2000
ZAZ's(David Zucker, Jim Abrahams and Jerry Zucker) The Naked Gun is one of the funniest (if not funniest) film ever with more parodies and gags than one could ever imagine. And the writing is if not good, great that never lets up (even through the finale baseball game with Reggie Jackson).

But what really gets this film up there is it's main characters. Leslie Nielson has never been better and probably won;t ever be this good ever again. He brings an insane type of humor from a cop that hasn't been seen since Clouseau. The supporting characters are good also, including Priscilla Pressley, George Kennedy, Ricardo Montebaum, Nancy Marchand and (odd to see him in a movie today) OJ Simpson. There zany characters and added with a great script make this a treasure in cinema comedy. One of the best films of the 80's. A++
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Misss254 February 2022
The story is about a police who is trying to save Queen Elizabeth II from being murdered. In this process of saving the queen, he messed up everything. His working style is unique because it's full of stupidity. It can be compared with MR. BEAN. Every single element of this movie is presented in a most hilarious way. I enjoyed this a lot.
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Screamingly funny!
jhaggardjr1 May 2000
"The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!" is the first movie based on the 1982 cult classic TV sitcom "Police Squad!" And this movie stands up next to "Airplane!" as one of the funniest movies ever made. That's no surprise, since the same team (Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker) that made "Airplane!" made "The Naked Gun". This movie is quite similar to "Airplane!" in the way it presents its jokes. Rapid fire, and you can't stop laughing. My kind of comedy. "The Naked Gun" has some of the biggest laughs in a movie that I've ever seen. Leslie Nielsen is perfect in his return to the role of inept cop Lt. Frank Drebin. Priscilla Presley is very funny in her film debut. George Kennedy, Ricardo Montalban, and even Nancy Marchand (a decade before "The Sopranos") get big laughs amongst the craziness. And love that opening title sequence. Very original. And unlike the "Police Academy" series, "The Naked Gun" sequels lived up to the original 1988 film. The first one is still the best, but "Naked Gun 2 1/2" and "Naked Gun 33 1/3" were very funny too. That's why "The Naked Gun" series is the funniest movie series ever made. I wish Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker would dream up an idea for a fourth "Naked Gun" picture. If they do, I'll see it in a flash.

**** (out of four)
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"How hot and wet do you like it?"
classicsoncall30 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Relatively young viewers won't be in on the opening scene gag when a host of terrorist world leaders get spoofed - Idi Amin, Yasser Arafat, Muammar Khaddafi, Mikhail Gorbachev and Ayatollah Khameini. There's even a Vladimir Putin look alike who turns out to be a guy named Pahpshmir later on in the story; that was kind of prescient as Putin himself didn't come on the world scene until around 1999/2000. So was that a lucky prophetic guess or what? I just have to shake my head.

I like these kinds of films where the sight and sound gags come a mile a minute, they have a way of keeping the viewer on his toes. It's all nonsense of course, like the sign in a warehouse stating 'Attention - All employees must wash hands before using restroom'. You really have to seek that one out, aware that the film makers didn't always draw direct attention to them but did some of their work with a subtlety to be admired.

And then there are the gags that come at you like a hammer blow, like Lieutenant Drebin's (Leslie Neilsen) ill fated attempt to infiltrate Vincent Ludwig's (Ricardo Montalban) office, filled with fine art and exotic collections. Then at one point out of nowhere, we get treated to Herman Hermit's hit 'Somethin' Tells Me I'm Into Somethin' Good'. The kicker of course when it comes to hindsight, is the appearance of O.J. Simpson. You would think that with this exposure to police detective tactics, he might have put them to good use one day in seeking out the real killer.
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Nothing wrong with a little slapstick--but that's all this is
moonspinner5525 June 2005
Theatrical expansion of the failed TV show "Police Squad!" managed to catch on with laugh-hungry audiences of the late '80's and became a surprise success. The plot is really secondary to the sketches as eternally stupid police lieutenant Frank Drebin acts as bodyguard to the Queen of England on her visit to the US. Leslie Nielsen has 'befuddled' down to an expert science, but this comedy, although way out there at times for the sake of a gag, is weak in spots and pretty much follows the same skit-like pattern of its second cousin, "Airplane!" A few big laughs, but it totally fizzles out before the finale. Followed by two sequels, the last of which even managed to succeed this original in terms of outrageousness, appealing to that silly side of our collective humor while keeping the brain in neutral.
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lel8one6 June 2004
Really good film, I liked this one!

I recently bought the boxed set, (all 3 films) and really enjoyed watching them again. I have to admit though, I did not quite laugh as much as I did when I first watched them.

I remembering watching them the first time and thinking "What the hell am I watching? This is MAD! hahaha lol. All the bits like Frank hitting stuff with his car every time he parks and the bit with Nordberg at the start - classic!

Really good light-hearted fun...

7 out of 10
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Classic comedy.
Sleepin_Dragon21 March 2021
Time has been very kind to this movie, watching it earlier I was reminded just why I used to watch this multiple times as a teen. The humour is as rich, outlandish and hilarious as it was when it first launched.

Nice Beaver! A scene I must have warn out on the VHS back in the day, incredibly funny.

Leslie Nielsen did a remarkable job, and even though it's a spoof, be plays it with true sincerity, it's well made, and well produced, it's guaranteed to put a smile on your face, even if you're a little down in the dumps.

I still love it, 9/10.
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One of the Best Spoofs of all time ****1/2 out of *****
Welshfilmfan17 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
For those who don't know, The Naked Gun: From the files of Police Squad was a spin off to the very Short Lived series 'Police Squad' which was canned after the 1st episode although 6 were made.

LT.Frank Drebin was a tailor made role for Leslie Nielsen, His deadpan delivery has me in stitches every time I watch This movie, Previously Nielsen was a B Movie Actor who appeared in Straight roles, that all changed in Airplane! (1980) as Doctor 'Don't call me Surely' Rumack and has appeared in Spoofs of varying quality ever since, but this along with it's two sequels are his best.

LT Drebin and his cop buddies Capt.Ed Hocken (George Kennedy) & Det.Norberg (O.J Simpson) try to foil an assassination of Queen Elizabeth (lookalike Jeannette Charles - Who has played her in various productions) by respected Businessman Vincent Ludwig (The now late Ricardo Montalban who died a couple of days ago)

along for the fun ride is also Jane Spencer (Pricilla Presley - While despite not being the best actress in the world is actually surprisingly good) who appears as Ludwig's secretary and later Drebin's Love Interest.

The gags are almost non-stop and are incredibly funny even after watching this film as many times as I have, The Zucker Brothers along with Abrahams and Proft are on top form here...It's sooooo Much better than the hit and miss Scary Movie's 3 & 4, Wrongfully accused or Mr Magoo.

Leave your brain at the door and enjoy

****1/2 out of *****

The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear **** / ***** The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult ***1/2 / *****
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Inspired Idiocy
kenjha22 March 2011
A cop tries to foil an assassination attempt on Queen Elizabeth during her visit to the United States. Like other films by Abrahams and the Zuckers, this one is a relentless series of jokes. Of course, some of the jokes work and some don't, but the film is never dull, alternately generating groans and chuckles. Nielsen parlays his career-changing comedic turn in "Airplane!" into a role that he seems born to play, and he has a field day as the most idiotic cop since Inspector Clouseau roamed the streets of Paris. Presley also seems to be having fun as something of a femme fatale who becomes romantically entangled with Nielsen.
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Fast, furious, zany and most!
TheLittleSongbird29 April 2011
Leslie Nielson's death last November was a big shock to me. Sure he has been in some bad films, such as 2001:A Space Travesty, but he had also made some quintessential classics such as Airplane, the only film of his career I consider better than this, and the Naked Gun series, of which this is the best. Whatever the outcome of the film, that doesn't stop me from considering Nielson a comedy genius.

The Naked Gun:From the Files of Police Squad! is fast, furious, zany and most importantly, enormous fun film. While it looks great, is wonderfully directed, brilliantly paced with seldom a dull moment and has energetic music and a fun story, it is the humour and acting that really makes this film so good.

The dialogue is deliciously dry-witted, and the plentiful juvenile gags never cease to be hilarious. Nielson gives one of his career's best performances in a wonderfully deadpan characterisation as an likable inept character. The support performances from Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy and OJ Simpson are equally great, but special mention has to go to Riccardo Montalban who just oozes cool.

Overall, a hilarious film. Forget rubbish like Disaster Movie, 2001:A Space Travesty, Meet the Spartans and Epic Movie and watch the classic spoof movies like Young Frankenstein, Airplane, Galaxy Quest and this. You won't regret it! 10/10 Bethany Cox
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fun spoof
funkyfry23 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Naked Gun is one of the Zucker Brothers' more entertaining films, and one of the better spoofs of crime/action films out there. Like their masterpiece "Airplane", this film includes Leslie Neilsen (as detective Frank Drebben) as well as an odd assortment of actors and celebrities from B-films and the sports world, this time including Priscilla Presley, George Kennedy, Ricardo Montalban, and O.J. Simpson among others. You could almost spend the whole film just watching for celebrity cameos (the best of which is Reggie Jackson as a brainwashed assassin: "must kill the queen….. must kill the queen." Some of the jokes don't work and quite a lot of them are just stupid puns, but the physical comedy is generally well done. Presley makes a surprisingly effective "straight man". The jokes keep rolling in fast enough that even the ones that miss don't slow down the fun.

Just by coincidence I saw the movie recently after seeing the Zucker's "Kentucky Fried Movie" just a few days before. So I noticed that they actually re-used one device from that film here, the botched break-in (which occurs in KFM during the extended martial arts sequence) where Neilsen goes into Montalban's character's apartment and smashes just about everything in sight (eventually starting a fire) while supposedly trying to sneak around.

Not a classic film in my opinion nor am I sure it ever will be, but it's well worth a few laughs if you're in the right mood.
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You'll laugh till it hurts
royals79423 June 2008
I am rather stingy with my "perfect 10" ratings on IMDb; of the nearly 600 films I've rated, I've given only nineteen "perfect 10s", or about 3% of all movies. So how did "The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad" get the ultimate movie rating from me? By being so ridiculously over-the-top hilarious that it moved me to tears from laughing so hard and literally knocked me off of the couch when I saw it the first time. I remember the first time that I watched "The Naked Gun." I was home alone, it was on HBO, and I figured that it might be a funny movie to kill a night with. I was chuckling during the opening scene but what really got me going was the scene in which O.J. Simpson attempts a drug bust on a ship. I laughed uncontrollably from that point forward, at one point falling off my couch from laughter. The jokes are non-stop; there is not a single serious moment in this movie, and the gags are so rapid-fire that you don't notice the unfunny ones because you are too busy laughing at the next one. The whole movie is hilarious, but two scenes stand out as absolute classics to me: the ship scene with O.J. Simpson and the climactic baseball scene. I have seen the movie a dozen times and those two scenes still have me hysterical every time. A must-see film for anyone who likes slapstick humor or just has a sense of humor in general. Leslie Nielsen is superb. 10/10!
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Lots of fun
Bored_Dragon19 March 2017
Comedy that parodies all cop movies clichés you could possibly think of and then some more already promises good entertainment. And when you add Leslie Nielsen on top of that...

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Leslie Nielsen Rocks!
namashi_124 April 2011
Leslie Nielsen Rocks! 'The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!', proves that fact, evidently. An amazing performance, that deserves the highest amounts of praises. He plays it dumb, with such flexibility, that you actually leave this slap-stick comedy with happiness.

'The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!', is directed by David Zucker, a legend in his own right. Zucker has even written the film along-with his legendary combo of Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams & Pat Proft. This one's a fast-paced slapstick comedy, that includes a lot of visual and verbal puns and gags, and chronicles the adventures of Nielsen's character, the bumbling police Lieutenant Frank Drebin.

There are hilarious moments all through. The Writing is absurd, funny & lively. It succeeds by holding your attention completely, from start to end. The dialogue, are outrageous, but so very innovative at the same time. Zucker has had a ball making this flick, and his excitement reflects on the screen each minute. Cinematography by Robert M. Stevens, captures each and every moment, wonderfully.

Leslie Nielsen can never die in the memory of film-buffs, like me and many more. His performance here, according to me, ranks as one of the most intelligently funny performances of all-times. A special mention for Priscilla Presley, for her sincere & likable performance in here.

On the whole, Don't miss this one! Logic can be over-looked for sometime.
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"...sexual assault with a concrete dildo?!"
Jonny_Numb14 October 2003
This is the first, and probably best installment of "The Naked Gun" trilogy, a MAD magazine parody of police shows and movies brought to life by the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker ("Airplane!") team. Not all of the jokes work, and at times the film feels pretty bloated with its own comic excess, but I can't fault them for trying. There are many moments of pants-wetting laughter, from the amplified urinal scene to the hilarious "ledge" sequence, to Leslie Neilsen's incredible rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner."

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This Gun Full of Hit & Misses
daoldiges14 November 2022
What can I say about The Naked Gun. To those of you who love this film I am so happy for you. As for me, I found the whole thing very hit or miss, which is par for the course form this type of film, they can't all be winners and I was well aware of that going in. Now that doesn't mean that they're all misses, because that isn't necessarily the case either. Actually, most of the jokes fell smack dab in the middle, not good and not bad either, just there. Unfortunately, I need more winners to enjoy or recommend a viewing. If you think this film might be up your alley, then go ahead and check it out. If you already think this film won't be your thing, then skip it and move on.
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