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Solid, old-school Retro Horror...
lathe-of-heaven21 November 2013
Okay, first and foremost, let me take my pants off. Just kidding... No, First and foremost, this film will delight you ONLY if you are a real fan of films described in my summary above. It is ULTRA low budget, but you really have to admire how well they did with what they had. I thought for very low cost creature effects, the creators / directors of the film did an excellent job in making them as believable as possible and actually truly scary at times. You could tell that the directors had a nice natural sense of how to visualize what they wanted; for example, without giving too much away, just the simple scene with the little guy in the jar was really quite good. When compared to MANY other similar scenes in Horror or even Goofy, NOT-Serious Horror (A La 'GREMLINS', for example) where you would use similar effects, I really felt that they made it very believable and lifelike, which went a LONG way in involving and truly immersing you more in the film.

Sure, as some others have stated here, there are some pretty Cheeeeeeezy moments, but even compared to MOST of the Horror crap that has come out during that time and even within, say, ten years of this being made, I think this one very much holds it's own in drawing the audience in and creating a decent level of tension. There are also a nice twist or two that adds to the entertainment value of the movie. One transformation scene, which I WON'T go into because I do not want to enter Spoiler territory, was honestly quite effective and well done, despite some of the scornful comments from a couple of other reviewers here.

The acting is nothing to get too excited about; we don't see very much from the veterans here, except the usual Rod Steiger getting worked up to either an orgasm or heart attack, take your choice... I personally liked Brad though; he had a rather entertaining personality. Everyone else was adequate; the British girl was decent, of course the accent (to us easily impressed Americans) always helps.

I'm NOT trying to say that this is by ANY reach of the imagination an 'ALIEN', 'SESSION 9', or 'EVENT HORIZON', believe me; but for the modest intent of the film and for PRECISELY what it is, it comes across surprisingly well. So, like I mentioned before, IF you are indeed a fan of these kinds of films, then you should have a lot of fun watching it...
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A house with all sorts of secrets.
Aaron13757 July 2009
One of the secrets is that the film does not have all that much of a plot to it. So do not try to analyze it, or figure out what is wrong with the picture. It is a "b" movie to be sure, but a somewhat good "b" movie as it were. The story has a son trying to fulfill his mother's wish of destroying her life's work at the home she used to live with, she had just woken from a coma. So the son is off along with some science type friends to look into the mystery's surrounding his mother's request. Surprisingly when you write it out it does sound like a good plot and maybe it is not all that bad, but for the most part once they arrive at the house the film becomes your typical horror movie about monsters. Though I do love the setting of the old house and the basement stuff, the movie kind of reminds me of a combination of two Stuart Gordon movies "Re-animator" and "From Beyond" without being as good as either of them. Still the monsters look pretty good and there are some rather good kills, the plot is rather ignored after a certain point, but with death and mayhem I can live without plot. I would like to see this movie again someday as it has been awhile since I last saw it, but from what I remember not the best movie in the world, but it kept me entertained.
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Won't John be surprised.
lost-in-limbo30 August 2007
After three years in a coma, Amanda Hollins awakens and tells her son, John. To destroy her life experiments and any information found in her secluded old house. He heads there with his girlfriend, some work colleagues and one of his mother's admirers. They eventually discover more then what they bargain for, as some of his mother's genetic engineered creations run amok.

I thought I've seen this one before, but I was wrong. This modest combination of 50's sci-fi / horror goes onto deliver a undervalued oddity, with a tip-top ensemble cast and sure-handling from dual directors Jeffrey Obrow and Stephen Carpenter. Suspense is lacking because the minimal story is just too typical and shredded with loopholes, but it's the surprisingly efficient make-up effects, which are over-the-top and horrifically creative that makes for a pleasurable treat. The excessive use of this icky business in some wicked (and at times silly) set pieces is the film's only real imaginative bone. A quick tempo, builds up after a slow opening and the shocks are well placed for maximum effect. Be it a laugh or a gasp. The material mostly plays it with a straight face, with slight slabs of humour and Rod Steiger's small meaty turn. The composed performances (with Steiger being the exception) are reasonably good from the cast. David Allen Brooks is likable in his steadfast delivery and the ravishing Amanda Pays shines in her shifty portrayal. Talia Balsam gives hearty support and Peter Frechette diverts. The classy Kim Hunter also gets some minor scenes as Amanda Hollins. Obrow and Carpenter's directorial style is systematically sturdy without an ounce of any visual flourishes. The look of the film generates a gloomy air, mainly due to Steven Carpenter's murky photography and dim lighting. David Newman's moody, understated music score is fairly unnoticeable.
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"Anthony isn't your typical bottle baby."
Backlash00718 November 2003
The Kindred is just a monster movie-no more, no less. While not being Rod Steiger's finest moment (or wig), it does offer up a slim bit of originality. Steiger plays a mad scientist (what other kind are there?) who is searching for a genetically altered monster, Anthony. Also searching for Anthony are a group of 20-something medical students and one of them could be related him; Hence the title. Then it becomes a formulaic slasher movie with the kids being attacked one by one. It's pretty much downhill from there. The scenes in Steiger's lab are the eeriest and the movie should have spent more time there. The climax stands out and the acting is not bad considering two Academy Award winning "screen legends" were conned into starring in it.
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Worth a watch, cool monster
Tikkin21 February 2006
This film is not the best around but is certainly worth a watch. The monster itself is very cool, it is like a hybrid of Alien and the monster from The Suckling. In fact the reason I got this film is because it looked similar to The Suckling. The story and characters take a while to develop which does get a bit boring, and it takes a while before the monster arrives on the scene. But it's worth the wait. The bit where the monster pokes a claw through the floorboards and the dog starts barking at it had me in hysterics. Rod Steiger, who was another reason I got this film (I thought he was amazing in American Gothic) was OK but not up to his usual standards. There's some cool special effects like when the monster pokes one of its tentacles through the skin of a woman, but they are used very little.
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Meet your brother, John....
Coventry24 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Dr. John Hollins is called to the hospital bed of his mother. She advises him to finish the science projects she started involving something what seems to be a long lost brother of Johns. When she dies, John and a few of his colleagues and friends drive up to her old house to clean up the place and to find out more about her science achievements. But, a horrible monster dwells around the place. This creature (referred to as Johns brother because it sprung out of his tissue) It's some sort of disgusting fish-creature since his "blood" contains a lot of hydrocyanine (or however that is written) John and the rest want to destroy it asap, but an old colleague of John's mother wants the creature to be his. I must admit this film was rather a pleasant surprise. Sure it stole some elements of classics like Alien and even a bit of "The island of Dr. Moreau. But overall, I didn't care much. What is original these days ? It's much better than I expected it to be. I was familiar with the earlier work of director Stephen Carpenter...I saw The Dorm that Dripped Blood and was angry for a week because I wasted time to that crap. So, in that theory, the Kindred is an improvement of 250 %. A lot of credit has to go to the actors, though. The leading role is played by David Allan Brooks. I'm not familiar with this guys career but his haircut sure is impressive. This film also stars Amanda Pays !! There, I just gave you an extra reason to see it. She's gorgeous as always and that British accent of hers makes her one of the sexiest horror females in history. I also noticed a blond babe who's face I've only seen before in Revenge of the Nerds...I don't know if that's a good thing. And I saved the best for last...Rod Steiger is in it !! This great actor, who recently deceased, plays the role of the evil scientist. He over-acts very much, but in a good way. He's great ! The part of Johns ' mother is played by Kim "Planet of the Apes" Hunter. That's a very interesting Trivia element, but her role is rather brief.

The kindred is a nice attempt to make an enjoyable over the top monster film. It's got a few major holes in the plot (like for example the chick who got killed in the road accident...she never get mentioned again and HOW did Anthony return home ???) but you'll forgive the film for it. At least I did. Enough gore to satisfy the more extravagant horror lovers too, by the way.
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The Kindred: Meh!
Platypuschow9 May 2018
Another "When science goes bad" themed b-movie film about a son who discovers the extent of his mothers experiments and the creature that lives within the bowels of her home.

Truth be told The Kindred has some good ideas, some of the practical effects are great and it's not entirely awful. Sadly on the flip side it's not very well made, for every decent sfx there is a poor one and the characters are instantly forgettable.

The Kindred is one of those very few films I'd like to see a reboot of, or at least modern sequel. The potential is there, it just needs a budget and a decent team to put all the pieces together.

In it's current form The Kindred is a barely passable effort that I'd advise only big fans of the genre give time to.

The Good:

Some great practical effects

A few good ideas

One decent death scene

The Bad:

Some poor practical effects

Weak construction

Doesn't meet its potential

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Had Japan made this film it would have been an entirely different movie, you know......the tentacles!
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cheesy as hell but rather good effects
trashgang1 November 2020
The era of the VHS spawned a lot of flicks that are still not released on DVD or Blu Ray. Synapse announced this one years ago and up to this writing it is still not available on that format. So if you want it, it's still a VHS hunt, go figure that!

Is it worth a hunt? Well, it's made just before the end of the horror era. It doesn't show luckily but it's cheesy as hell. But the effects are on-camera and done with the classic latex as seen in the classics so be happy that those are used and not some stupid CGI from that era.

Low budget as hell is shown if you look sharp, a few times the microphone is seen in shots. But if you like them cheesy and messy and with mediocre acting or even over acting try to find it. Be honest, no good storyline you only watch this for the effects.

It has been a while i've seen a 4:3 format on VHS, a trip down memory lane.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 1,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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view_and_review30 January 2020
The cinematic world is full of mad scientists. The mad scientist in this episode decided to use DNA from her own son to create some hybrid creature. Why? Because she could. Did the experiment go awry? Does a bear take a dump in the woods?

The code name for the experiment was Anthony which led her son John to believe that he had a missing brother. If his brother was a predatory mutant, then yes he had a missing brother.

This horror movie was just short of horrible. There were a couple of gnarly effects with the creature but not enough to carry the film. Overall it was weak and uninspired.
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Fun 80s monster mash!
udar557 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
For the demographic demanding to see Rod Steiger covered in slime, this movie is for you! THE KINDRED is actually a fun little monster flick. Dr. John Hollins (David Allen Brooks) heads to the home of his scientist mother (Kim Hunter) with some friends to clean up her work after she has a heart attack. While he isn't quite sure what she was working on, she demands he destroy it all. Oh, she also reveals he has a brother named Anthony. What is Anthony? A mutant hybrid of John's genes and some aquamarine life. Of course an evil scientist (Steiger) is also out to get his hands on Anthony. The film does have a few problems (most notably the slow first half hour and low body count) but this is still an enjoyable monster mash with good acting. Titular creature Anthony is an original looking design and the rest of the effects work is very good. In addition, the film has a great score by David Newman. Co-directors Stephen Carpenter and Jeffrey Obrow are also responsible for THE DORM THAT DRIPPED BLOOD, THE POWER and SERVANTS OF TWILIGHT.
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The 80's horror magic! CERT 18
roy-nicholas338 November 2004
I first watched Kindred in 1987 along with another movie called devouring waves. I remember back then i hated them both and i have never really bothered to watch them again.

However i have recently started a crusade to collect as many 80's horror titles in their original boxed form, That have been deleted for some time. I have got myself quite a proud collection with many more titles on my list!

The Kindred although i have not as yet got a copy is high priority as all the old movies i didn't like back then, I now own and have now re-watched and think they are brilliant and the bits i do remember of the Kindred are now driving me to want to get hold of a copy A.S.A.P.

Hurray for the 80's and long live horror!
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The Kindred is an exciting blend of Horror and Sci-fi!
GC-923 February 1999
With a combination of gross-out effects and a solid, yet campy, screenplay Kindred delivers plenty of horror for your rental dollar. With a screenplay written in part by Psycho scribe Joseph Stefano and a wonderfully over the top Rod Steiger (who seems to be auditioning for Brando's part in Island Of Dr. Moreau, Kindred tells the story of a science experiment that went too far. A strong supporting cast helps round out the film. Most memorable is Kim Hunter (of Planet of The Apes fame) as the creator of 'Anthony' a hybrid who isn't much, but occasionally reveals his tentacles to kill a dog or eat a watermelon. The special effect highlight of the film is Melissa's (Amanda Pays) transformation into a fish-like monster.
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Worth seeing for the special effects alone
Stevieboy66629 December 2020
A young scientist enlists some friends to help him explore his dead mother's scientific experiments, revolving around somebody/something she referred to as Anthony. Made during the later mid 1980's when horror franchises were big box office The Kindred is a stand alone title, a science fiction/horror B-movie that really deserves better recognition. Although not perfect by any means we get a well acted movie, interesting if slightly silly plot and lots of great 80's practical special effects, some are quite gross but in an impressive way, for example one character turns into a fishy gill woman. If this were to be remade I fear it would use horrible looking CGI. I have this on VHS, very nostalgic as I can remember renting it out, but it really, really needs a decent DVD or blu-ray release. A good example of an 80's effects driven horror movie, recommended.
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John's got a half brother. Half brother, half something else. Below average late 80's 'mad scientist' horror film, pretty bad actually.
poolandrews24 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The Kindred opens to shots of a Porsche racing along a highway, it catches up with an old pick-up truck and gets held up. As it speeds past the pick-up the driver (Benjamin J.Perry as Ben Perry) shouts obscenities and honks his horn. Distracted he doesn't notice an obstruction ahead and crashes his Porsche. He is quickly freed from the wreckage and is taken to hospital. On the way the Paramedic (Randy Harrington) trying to save him suggests that he probably won't make it. Then the Ambulance is attacked and forced off the road by a van. The driver of the van, Jackson (Jim Boeke as James F.Boeke) beats the Paramedic up and steals the patient. The Ambulance driver, Harry (Charles Grueber) makes no attempt to stop him. Once the injured man has been placed into the van Jackson turns his attention to Harry whom seem to know each other. Harry asks Jackson not to hit him because he broke his jaw 'last time'. Jackson punches Harry to the floor and throws a bundle of money at him. The film then makes it perfectly clear we are in San Fransisco by showing a shot of the Golden Gate Bridge. Sharon Raymond is woken up by a phone call for her boyfriend Dr. John Hollins (David Allen Brooks) to inform him that his Mother, Amanda (Kim Hunter) who has recently had a heart attack has regained consciousness. Hollins works for a company called the 'Geneticell Corporation' and is delighted at the news and heads off to see her. Once there she asks him to go back to his old childhood house in a small town called Shelter Cove and destroy all of her notes and experiments, especially the 'Anthony journals' which Hollins has never heard of, she also claims that he has a brother named Anthony. Back at Geneticell, Hollins talks with a Dr. Phillip Lloyd (Rod Steiger) about his Mother as they had both worked together before they had a falling out with each other, and questions him about her research and if he knows of anyone called Anthony. He claims he knows nothing. When Amanda dies after a visit from the sinister Dr. Lloyd, Hollins decides to carry out his Mothers request and try to find out who Anthony is. While paying his final respects at the funeral a woman named Melissa Leftridge (Amanda Pays) introduces herself to Hollins and says she was a big admirer of his Mothers work and research after she helped her. Because Melissa seems to know so much about his Mothers work he invites her to the house as she may possibly be able to help find some answers to various questions he has. Hollins, Sharon, Melissa and three lab assistants, Brad Baxter (Peter Frechette), Hart Phillips (Timothy Gibbs) and Cindy Russell (Julia Montgomery) plus a girl with a watermelon(!) named Nell Valentine (Bunki Z, great name what were her parents thinking!?). They get down to business straight away but find little of any interest. For some reason no one at this point thinks to look in the basement, which is just as well as there's something down there, something large, slimy and has lots of tentacles. First it kills Duke, the dog. Then it moves on to larger prey. When Hart is attacked by something in a barn Hollins decides he must destroy all traces of his Mothers work and whatever Anthony is. Jointly co-written and directed by Stepehn Carpenter and Jeffery Obrow, Carpenter also acted as cinematographer and Obrow as producer. This is a pretty poor film in my opinion. The script is credited to five(!) writers, Carpenter, Obrow, Earl Ghaffari, John Penny and Joseph Stefano and with five people working on it I'd like to think they could come up with something a little bit better and more coherent than this. Nothing is explained that well, why did Amanda create these monstrous sea creature/human hybrids? What is Dr. Lloyd's interest and his motives? Why does he steal bodies from the back of Ambulance's? Why does he have a basement full of mutants? Why do none of these so-called genetic scientists think to check the basement out? Could Melissa act more suspiciously even if she tried? Why are none of the characters given any background? Why do people keep mentioning a substance found in sea creatures called Hemocynine when 99.9% of the audience isn't going to have clue what their on about? There is also a serious lack of blood and gore, only one person dies on screen, just one! And all the scientists survive in a vomit inducingly mushy 'happy ending'. This is a horror film guys, all we want to see is the slimy monsters kill and eat people in various gory ways. The one on screen death is actually quite cool, someone has slimy tentacles inserted under their skin, in their ear and up their nose in the films only decent horror sequence. To try and up the gore quotent there is a scene where Dr. Lloyd is experimenting on a skinned animal but it only lasts for a few seconds, and in the context of the rest of the film doesn't mean a thing. Melissa also turns into a fish, don't ask. There's no nudity either, which isn't a surprise. The film looks professional enough with decent production values but is just so dull and plods along at a snails pace, we don't even get to see the giant monster in the basement until 15 odd minutes before the end which is far too little far too late, when it does make an appearance the effects are OK and that makes it even more of a shame that it wasn't used more. Overall I was very disappointed and I was expecting a lot better. A horror film with only one on screen death and only three in total, what's the world coming too?
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Enjoyable, scary stuff!
midge10819 August 2000
I really enjoyed this movie. It has some really original special effects, i.e. "fish-woman". It has remained one of my favourites. The cast made up of mostly little known actors are all likeable, (even when being obnoxious) and the setting is not your usual sci-fi horror laboratory deal.

If you like a scare, I recommend it and if you do see it and like it you might want to try "From Beyond".
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A highly effective if somewhat flawed creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder22 October 2022
After learning of his ailing mother's condition, a genetic researcher is tasked with heading to her secret laboratory hideout to retrieve data to finish the experiments ahead of a ruthless rival, but when he and his team discover the mutated results of the experiment must try to get away alive.

This was a fun enough if somewhat flawed genre effort. Among the more likable elements here is the mysterious atmosphere present here that demonstrates the build-up of the research being committed. With the first half focused pretty heavily on demonstrating the importance of the research to the various parties present and their desire to get at it, the series of expeditions out to the house by the parties in play serve this quite well. Getting an idea of the importance of the research and how far they're willing to go to get their hands on it, this provides a great starting point into the importance and need to handle the particular experiment quite well. That all ends up providing a series of enjoyable and generally fun cheesy creature feature attacks. Offering up plenty of fun with the practical effects, the encounters here are quite fun with the early sequence of it stowing away in the backseat of the car and unknowingly causing it to drive off the cliff, the ambush in the farmhouse that brings the creature's full form to light and the full-on fun of the attacks inside the house with the creatures' tentacles offering up some genuine shock tactics bursting out to grab at and ensnare victims. This generates a highly enjoyable and effective finale featuring some decent barricade tactics, practical creatures, and a frantic confrontation that gives this one quite a lot to like. This one does have some issues with it. One of the biggest drawbacks is the generally uninvolved setup that tends to make this one go on for quite a while until it becomes interesting. The focus on the meetings between the various doctors and medical personalities, the strange abduction of the accident victim from the roadside crash by the unknown mercenary, and the intimations that clandestine experiments are going awry waste all sorts of time here. It doesn't help that there's no real connection given for a lot of these storylines for quite a while into the running time meaning this takes a while before things start to make sense which isn't a good look for starting a movie off. The other big drawback to this one is the rather unnecessary and convoluted means through which this one tries to set up a secondary villain in the mod doctor out to steal the creature for himself. Not only is this entire segment written in a highly complicated matter concerning the devious member of the team trying to undermine the trip for him which isn't that creative anyway but also goes to show a generally lame reasoning for undergoing the ruse for the most point. It introduces bodies into the equation in the finale which is an expected side-effect but doesn't really do much else here with it being pretty much non-existent about why its' included which all brings this down somewhat.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Grapic Language.
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A kindred spirit
sol121829 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Grossed out horror movie involving world renowned, but somewhat deranged, Geneticist Dr. Phillip Llyod, Rod Steiger, who's into creating clones of human beings who despite having the exact genetic material in their DNA don't look anything like each other.

It was Dr. Llyod's assistant Dr. Amanda Hollins, Kim Hunter, who in fact discovered the metamorphosis like operation but unlike the totally crazed Dr. Llyod knew just how dangerous it was for all humanity and tried to stop it by destroying all the papers she had written on it over the years. Recovering for a massive heart-attack, which she later died from, Dr. Hollins begs her son John, David Allen Brooks, to burn the notes and papers on her secret experiment before it's too late. Too late in stopping John's genetic twin Anthony, who in fact looks nothing like him, coming out into the open and killing everything, human and animal life, that he or it comes in contact with!

It's at Dr. Hollins country home where she conducted her experiment in human genetics that her Son John and his friends planned to spend the weekend not realizing the dangers they they were soon to be facing. Anthony makes his long awaited and grand appearance hiding inside a watermelon that he uses as cover in attacking and devouring one of John's friends Neil, Burki Z, while she was driving home to celebrate her parents 35th wedding anniversary! It takes a lot of convincing but by the time that Anthony finally reveals himself it's almost too late to stop him or it. The both mad and cagey Dr. Llyod had secretly planted among John's friends a spy, who's dependent on Dr. Llyod's medication, who does everything to stymie John in finally bringing an end to his genetic brother Anthony. The sad part is that he or she in doing Dr. Llyod's bidding becomes Anthony 1st victim!

Despite being on the screen for less then ten minutes Academy Award Winner actor Rod Steiger steals the acting honors as the totally out of his head Dr. Phillip Llyod. Dr. Llyod in trying to keep his and the late Dr. Hollis invention from being cooked down to a blob of Vaseline tried desperately to stop John & Co. from liquefying it only to end up joining the "Thing" in the very depths of hell from where it came from! :The by then totally destroyed Dr. Hollis secret laboratory. But it's in fact Anthony, who looks like a combination of a deep sea squid and cicada beetle, who's the real star of the movie. This yucky and gooey monstrosity is about the grosses thing even seen in a horror movie and makes every minute of its on screen appearances count! To the point where in the end you actually end up feeling sorry for it despite all the death and destruction it caused!
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deckard4561 January 2008
"Son you must stop the experiments I have started!!" Too bad nobody said this too whoever green lighted this project!! I was almost literally dragged to this movie by a friend of mine for a midnight showing when we were in high-school. Now, a midnight movie in high-school on a Friday night, you are not expecting much, but c'mon!! And upon seeing it again years later I sill stand by my original opinion of it. Great special effects but so what!! Quite possibly one of the worst movies ever made. Unless you enjoy blood and guts and seeing some Hollywood vets (Steiger & Hunter) make fools of themselves for a buck. YUCK!!!
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The Kindred
Scarecrow-8829 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A group of geneticists gather at the home of a recently deceased scientist, Amanda Collins(vet Kim Hunter)who sent her son, John(David Allen Brooks)there to destroy all her journals and research concerning "hybridization" experiments splicing marine life with human cells. Mad scientist Dr. Phillip Lloyd(Rod Steiger in one of his crazed roles), who worked with Amanda before they had a falling out(..and who later assisted in Amanda's demise), has been experimenting with hybridization for years but hasn't achieved the results his partner had. He secretly sends in an experimental hybrid of his, Melissa(the lovely Amanda Pays)who pretends to be an admirer of Amanda's and "marine researcher" befriending John(..while secretly falling in love with him which produces a problem for Lloyd who controls her thanks to his serum and pain medication that keeps Melissa human). While the group searches for answers regarding what exactly Amanda was doing at the home, a monster underneath the floorboards has come out to terrorize several of them. Could this monster be the "Anthony" John's mother was referring to as she cried out during a bad spell when ordering him to destroy all the evidence of her work?

Fun little late 80's creature feature has a good cast and pace. It gets silly at times particularly when the monster kills one victims by exiting a watermelon! One scene has a certain character turning from human into a fish! There's a hilarious(..and ridiculous)scene where Hart(Timothy Gibbs), one of the only survivors of the monster's attacks, who escapes from the hospital after being under heavy sedation over several days knocking people out of the way as if he were a football defensive tackle. The creature is shown in all it's glory at the end in the show-stopping climax where Steiger also makes his presence known in an explosion of anger towards the group's plan to kill it.
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If you were wondering... Yes it's bad.
bombersflyup4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Kindred is disturbing mostly. We don't care about the characters and their actions make little sense.

The effects are decent and the villains are fairly well acted, but it's just so stupid. Like, the guy at the start says he's afraid of Dr. Lloyd and that he would never cross him because he has the eyes of a killer or something, yet at the same time he's confronting him demanding to be paid double... What kind of writing's that? Then you have the main character John, who's mother told him has experiments and another son, which we can only assume is an experiment and that she wants everything burned. Yet he takes his girlfriend and dog there like some holiday trip! Then when John gets there, he obliviously studies the journals and data instead of looking around the bloody house, to prolong the plot. It was also entirely obvious John's girlfriend was going to fall through the floor boards as set up earlier, while they look around... meh. Has the actress who play Phoebe Green on the episode "Fire" of the X-Files.
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Okay low-budget creature/horror flick.
HumanoidOfFlesh29 April 2006
Dr.Amanda Hollins,a molecular biologist who,in distress and ill health requests her son John to destroy all the lab notes from her last genetic experiment.She also blurts out that he had a brother named Anthony.From her natural son's living tissue,Amanda has created a half-human monster that sits dormant in her basement.Unfortunately for John and his friends Anthony has come to life as an oozing,tentacled and slime-covered monster,ready to taste human blood..."The Kindred" is a seriously underrated little horror flick.The creature effects are pretty good,the acting is fine and there is a little bit of gore.The action is fast-paced and the film manages to be both entertaining and gruesome.All in all,"The Kindred" provides a few chills plus a few intense moments.Give this obscure little gem a look.7 out of 10.
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So fun!
BandSAboutMovies16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Jeffrey Obrow (The Dorm That Dripped Blood, The Power) and Stephen Carpenter, who wrote the script along with John Penney (who wrote and directed Zyzzyx Road), Joseph Stefano (Psycho) and Earl Ghaffari, this movie starts with Amanda (Kim Hunter) giving her son John (David Allen Brooks) a dying request to destroy all of the notes from her lab. And oh yeah -- he had a brother. And also, PS PS, that brother has tentacles.

The Kindred has a great cast -- Amanda Pays, Rod Steiger, Talia Balsam -- and even better effects. It might not have the best story, but look, in 1987, this was a very solid five for five rental. And today, in 2022, it's a great reissue blu ray that looks way better than it ever has before. I mean, it has Steiger get dumped with KY jelly and he did that stunt himself. A true pro as always.

Practical effects forever. Seriously, if I saw this when I was 15, I would probably be even more into it than I was and that's the mark of a worthwhile film.
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Very good 1980's Monster film.
loomis78-815-98903421 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A young doctor named John Hollis (Brooks) is asked by his dying mother (Kim Hunter) to go to her country house and destroy her experiments. She also mentions a brother who is at the house named Anthony that he knows nothing about. Hollis brings along a team of scientists, including his girlfriend Sharon (Balsam). Once at the house, Hollis is too intrigued by his mothers' experiments to end them like she asked. Using John's genes, mother has made a hybrid which has mutated into a gooey monster hiding in the basement and under the house. It doesn't take long for the monster to attack and the effects are great for the low budget involved here. Director's Jeffrey Obrow and Stephen Carpenter deliver a much better horror film here than their two previous efforts, "The Dorm That Dripped Blood" and "The Power". The Kindred is basically an old fashioned monster movie told with modern effects. The simple story of people in a secluded house facing an unknown monster is turned loose and much fun is to be had. The characters are likable and the cast is quite good at making the somewhat silly premise work. Obrow and Carpenter wisely keep the monster in the shadows for the first half of the film showing a tentacle peeking through a crack in the floor etc. The design of the monster is great and once the effects start they keep coming. One great scene has a girl driving by herself when a watermelon in the back seat opens up and she is attacked by tentacles that slide into every opening the girl has. The style is that of an old 1950's monster movie with a quicker pace. Tons of gooey slime hit the cast from all directions and poor Amanda Pays character turns into a fish with gills before the audience's eyes! Rod Steiger is the villain who steals the scientist's secrets. His over the top acting brings the movie down a little, but the rest of the cast is certainly a high point. It would be hard to not have a good time with this scary and fun monster movie.
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Standard B-movie horror show.
silversprdave23 September 2002
This is an classic cheap but entertaining "B-movie" with a typical lack of anything profound to say, and a formula monster theme. Still it was funny, and I thought the special effects were OK, so how can it be bad. I generously rated it a "7"
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A Decent monster movie!
TalesfromTheCryptfan29 April 2003
A man who's scientist mother recently died has been told that she created a genetically made baby brother named " Anthony" but it turns out that it's a fully grown mutant monster that murders people, only the man can stop this freak of nature.

Entertaining little flick with good acting and an OK plot, the creature itself looks a little H.R. Giger-esque, recommended if you like " Jurassic Park", " Species", "Resident Evil" and " From Beyond".

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