A Man in Full (2024)
4 May 2024
If Tom Wolfe were alive he would love this adaptation! All the smarts and wit and hilarious characterizations, pushing the envelope just like Wolfe himself. Wolfe is the master of hyperbole and satire and it is realized here to perfection. If you know Tom Wolfe's work you know that over-the-top expression is what makes it so funny. David Kelly & Co. Completely get that and deliver it with almost perfect casting, writing and directing, unlike dePalma's The Bonfire of the Vanities which took itself way too seriously. Well, it's all here folks. A delectable adaptation of Wolfe's always delectable style. What Bonfire couldn't do for Wolfe, Man in Full does! And I am celebrating!

[As for the negative reviews, I would say there is a lot questionable nitpicking (Daniel's accent? Not perfect, but UNBEARABLE? C'mon!) and umbrage taken at political incorrectness and taking license with reality and the book. It's fiction. It's not supposed to be real! It's a an adaptation, it can't cover the whole book in a limited series. Moreover, it's SATIRE! It's not supposed to be nice or real or politically correct--It's supposed to be funny! What makes this adaptation a success is that unlike other attempts at bringing Wolfe to the screen, is this series captures Wolfe's TONE--the over-the-top, painfully hilarious and KILLER lampoons from the incontestable MASTER of Satire! I would say that anyone who doesn't get this series, is taking things a little too seriously...and should look up the meaning of the word "hyperbole."
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