We're bachelors baby
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Garfield? I am a fan of garfield! I look at the comics, Play his games, Watch his movies, (Most of them sucked, But THIS ONE.. was decent. And the best one even.

Chris pratt didn't do bad as garfield, Speaking of garf, Lets talk about the characters,

Characters 7/10: Garfield acts like himself And not like a goddamn gangster that likes to dance (live action garfield) he breaks the fourth wall, hates spiders, loves to eat, And wake up jon, And likes lasanga, (of course) But Hold up! Garfield is basically a punching bag midway the film and he likes to complain alot (like gumball for example) and he is sometimes kind off stupid, AND I BARELY SAW HIM SLEEP! Yep, Garfield barely sleeps in this film, And there are false statements like garfield saying He's never jumped, what do you mean? In the cartoons you've jumped alot, he's annoying midway but luckily becomes bearable in the end again.

Onto odie, WOAH he's different, so odie still is a slobbering dog in the film, But he's that one character that does everything (like gromit for example) and he's smarter, and surprisingly never asked garfield to throw the bone for him, neither was he called stupid or was kicked from the table, Basically he takes the deuteragonist role as he is always there in the adventure with garfield.

Jon? Oh... Well he doesnt get involved in the adventure alot, He atleast acts like his goofy self and is a guy with no friends, Until (Baby garfield came) Since he waited too long for his father Vic and got too hungry, So he started eating everything in the restaurant, After this, Jon becomes a major character calling cellphone numbers to look for his pets, You do not see him flirt with women. Or do something clumsy

And as for the other characters, Vic is the tritagonist and garfield's father, otto is a grumpy bull Who's love interest is a cow, Jinx is a white cat who likes milk, And the main antagonist of the film who wants vic dead, She asks Garfield, Odie and vic to go too the milk factory Which is basically the plot of the film, We'll get to it later, Roland is a dog who is basically the sidekick of jinx Alongside this other dog who end up becoming good guys in the end battle,

For the rest, Liz only appears twice, Nermal appears once (at the ending sequence of the film) and doesn't talk since its basically a cameo appearance I suppose.. Arelene doesn't appear at all! Couldn't she have been the love interest of garfield in the film?

7 huh? Well the reason why its a seven is because of the fact that the original garfield characters dont get much focus on, The movie focuses more on the new characters that we dont even know. Yea the OG garfield characters have more charm unfortunately, I kinda liked jinx though, But she barely made a joke.

Now onto the plot

Plot/Storyline: 5/10 The storyline is pretty weak, but the plot is decent, Garfield and odie get kidnapped while getting a midnight snack And brought into a place where they get hung up by the legs, Until a mysterious figure saves him, That mysterious figure turns out to be his dad, They go on an adventure to get to a milk factory for jinx, Until vic betrays the cat and dog duo just to get kidnapped by jinx, Garfield notices that vic betrayed garfield just to save him So garfield goes too save vic with odie, garfield fights off the antagonists with italian food, the action is very good, And was pretty thrilling, Expect emotional scenes as well.

Comedy: 6/10 The movie's humour focuses ALOT on slapstick, Like I said before, Garfield is the movie's punching bag So you'll see him go through very much here, Most of the slapstick is funny But it gets very repetitive, The dialogue thats meant to be funny is very mediocre, As most people in my theater only chuckled at the dialogue, they laughed alot at the slapstick though, The movie felt very low in comedy at times, I thought it was gonna be like garfield gets real where there isn't a single joke at all, the jokes midway are very weak (some were a tad bit funny), But get stronger in the end.

Overall: the movie has the garfield spirit, but its weak in storyline and flops midway, but honestly its a good adaptation of the comic strip and atleast better than the other 5 garbage disposal films, But its still a mediocre affair that can only be reccomended to garfield fans.
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