Low budget filmmaking done right
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The performances are brilliant. Jack is clearly the lead and David does a great job with him; it's quite a wide ranging performance in the sense that on the one hand he's this overly charismatic TV host, but on the other hand he becomes increasingly unnerved as the events of the film transpire. I also thought the young girl playing Lilly was really terrific and had the perfect balance between charming and creepy 2) As my title suggests, I was really impressed by how the film utilises its low budget. Setting the film all in one studio was a great idea as it adds a claustrophobic atmosphere to the film, and I also loved how the film is a tight 90 minutes as it means it never feels boring or like it's overstaying its welcome 3) I think this is a film that I'll remember very well amongst all the other films I see. I loved the theme of this TV host who is at heart a good person but has been corrupted by his lust for fame. I also found it pleasantly unique. Moments such as Carmichael hypnotising everyone in the studio, whilst also seeming to hypnotise us as the audience too, were very well done and the film in general is very well made


1) There are certainly moments where you can tell that the filmmakers were struggling to capture what they wanted to show whilst working with such a low budget. I thought the special effects in general were very ropey. Moments such as the projectile vomiting or the worm infestations just looked really bad if I'm being brutally honest 2) I'm someone who's quite easily scared by horror films, but I have to say I didn't find this film scary at all. The hand appearing on Jack's shoulder was the only moment that even gave me the chills, and I never once felt genuinely scared. To me, the film felt like it was slowly building towards this great horrific climax, but in the end I felt that the ending was somewhat of a let down because it's more about Jack's psychological breakdown than it is about genuine horror.
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