3 March 2024
Generally, I thoroughly enjoy movies with promising dumb titles like this one, and I'm a fan of the Killer Tomato series-every single stupid one of them. So I'm forgiving of low budgets, questionable acting and silly special effects in exchange for a funny script, creative storytelling and frequent poor taste.

Unfortunately, "Attack of the Killer Donuts" came up really short.

The idea itself was fine. The acting was fine. In fact, over-acting might have helped. But the biggest problem was that the script wasn't the least bit funny. Or even silly-which was the biggest sin in a movie like this. The killer donuts weren't funny-we've seen and heard the same high-pitched chipmunk voices before with tomatoes and spiders. There's no particular charisma between the actors and there seems to be a loss of direction on how they're supposed to respond to their situations...should they play it for laughs or play it straight? And poor C. Thomas Howell. I don't know whether to feel pity for him or to admire him for jumping into the fray with such abandon.

In the entire film I chuckled exactly once, and didn't laugh at all. I really wanted to, but it just wasn't funny. There was way too much talking and too little action. Even the ending took for EVER to wrap up with a predictable and boring finale.

It's really too bad. Apparently there's a sequel, but I don't think I'll worry about trying to find it.
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