Seems to be polarizing...
25 February 2024
Lots of "fanboi" 10s .. and "hater "1s here....

Truth is the premier was interesting. Had its fair share of both drama and action. But was neither bad nor good in my opinion.

I didn't love nor hate the premier. It was better than the other "stupid writing" spinoffs... but it wasn't so much better as to have me believe the series will flesh out well. I'll have to reserve judgment on the overall story.

I do find it somewhat odd they seem to want to focus on the "love story" between Rick and Michon.. but on screen.. what I've seen over the years... has never been a "love story". If anything it has always appeared to be a relationship of convenience. I mean who else was Rick going to get a "female fix'" from.. and who else was Michon going to hook up with? They were the only two available adults... so.. love?? Meh.. always been quite a stretch in my opinion. More like friends with benefits if you ask me.

I felt a little shorted that the series didn't focus the start with Rick at the river and pick up from there. Many of the initial scene sequences were not impactful because they were a mish-mash of various scenes from apparently different times. Things got a bit better once they established the timeline better.

And the two of them at the park bench.. just silly inconsequential scenes TRYING so hard to establish a "love story" that never really happened - and can not happen in that manner. HOWEVER, knowing the writing for the various series.. and knowing how they just continually rehash the SAME writing.... I suspect this is all a flash-forward to some end of season/series setting where they are "pretending" to know know each other.... Tease the end.. because getting there without teasing will lose viewers.

Premier wasn't as bad as other premiers .. do miss the illustrative opening sequence though. Those are much better than the video clips they are using for this spinoff.

Will have to wait and see....


Ep 2 was, for me, on the same middle ground - not bad, but not great either. It makes sense that ep1 was primarily Rick's tale, and eps 2 was primarily Michone's tale.. and now things can move forward after they have reconnected. No park bench in ep2.. so now I figure the park bench in ep1 was a Rick fantasy about the future, perhaps not reality.

The first two episodes do have me wondering.. is each episode going to introduce new characters just to kill them off before the episode ends??

Thus far.. not terrible. I do like that people seem to be written a bit more realistic than the other spinoffs.... "Just give her a f'n horse" was a realistic scene that has been VERY rare in the writing for more than a decade across 6 different shows.


Episode 3 and the "stupid writing" is back.. causing characters to make stupid decisions just for the sake of some visual they want to pull off.

This spin off does appear to be better than all the other spin offs.. but it is falling into the same traps and pitfalls TWD "Universe" has suffered from since season 4 of the original show. In addition.. as I've posted Rick and Michone's relationship has NEVER appeared to be "love" in the "soulmate" sort of way. It's always been FAR MORE of a "friends with benefits" type of love on screen. Perhaps the producers and show runners THINK they've portrayed a "love story" but they NEVER have. Just compare Rick and Michone with Maggie and Glen.. there's a CLEAR difference. Better team all around for early TWD episodes I suspect. They are reaching...... pushing.. stretching ... to force a relationship as if it's always been portrayed on screen when it hasn't.

I'll end up hate-watching this, just like all the other spin offs.. but it's not moving to the top of the "to watch" list any time soon. I'm now solid in the 6 star rating... better than other spin offs.. but nowhere close to the original (pre-season 4).
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