Review of Fast Charlie

Fast Charlie (2023)
__Fast Charlie_ A Bumpy Ride with Potholes Galore_
9 December 2023
Rating: 1/10 I rated 2/10 for 007

Fast Charlie, starring Pierce Brosnan, is a cinematic disaster that left me questioning why I wasted precious time on this lackluster film. The story is an incoherent mess, with no clear direction or purpose. It's as if the writers threw a bunch of random scenes together and hoped it would somehow form a cohesive narrative.

The movie's biggest flaw is its complete lack of a coherent storyline. The plot meanders aimlessly, with no clear connection between scenes. It's as if the filmmakers themselves were unsure of what story they were trying to tell. Fast Charlie lacks any meaningful character development, leaving me detached and uninvested in the fate of the characters.

Can you explain how is it she give im the bag with the evidance in it to take care of it while he is trying to disable a band of nine and then the number 1 guy is the only one sweaty i mean AI couldn't generae a story this bad.

S*****it sorry but N Gooood It's bellow BAD

I really Like Pierce movies (007's, the November Man. The Thomas Crown Affair.... and many more.

Sorry to those who rated 10/10.
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