Review of 57 Seconds

57 Seconds (2023)
OK Movie for a sunday afternoon
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing all the negative reviews on here, I wanna make a side comment. Don't overthink it. Sometimes a movie can be just plain entertainment without you having to analyze every scene.

OK, the GF should have asked herself where all of the sudden the money came from. OK, the cameras should have picked up that every time he pushed his ring, that was odd. OK, she should have explained why she was 2 hours late in the restaurant ... But to be honest, I only started thinking about that when I started reading the reviews on here. So Sometimes it is just better before a movie, to read the plot, watch the trailer, and if you like it : watch it.

Read the reviews afterwards and then review it yourself!

It reminded me a little of. Limitless, which was also entertaining to watch, so why can't this movie just be?

Give it a try, don't overthink it, probably when you read this before you watch the movie , you will overthink it. But if you just want an entertaining movie, me and my son, we both loved it.
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