Thank you Guardians
3 May 2023
I remember that I had the feeling of joy, thrill, amusement, and particular sadness watching the previous 2 installments. While the 2 previous were talking mostly about Quill's backstory and his fear of losing his beloved ones, this 3rd installment speaks about Rocket's same particular issue. And I LOVE IT.

Rocket deserved his story to be told, and I (again) experienced the same roller coaster of feeling like I had years ago (in 2014 and 2017).

Thank you James Gunn, thank you everyone involved in this movie.

This is a complete way to wrap up the trilogy, it has a lot of massive explosions and so did emotions and heart.

Guardians, galaxy still needs you but thanks for being a part of our best memories.

You all will be missed.
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