Don't watch this!
12 March 2023
Please don't fall into the same trap my parents and i did by clicking on this movie. Yes, Morgan freeman is in it (and the poster) yet he is not the MAIN character and it is clear he was only hired in an attempt to make the rest of the acting seem less rubbish. Spoiler alert: it didn't work!

You would think that if they were going to include South African culture so prominently in the movie they would at least learn the proper pronunciations- yet they didn't. The pronunciation of 'Lesotho' had my south african parents giggling next to me- and no one wants that when it's supposed to be a thriller.

The acting is more than questionable, from the first chase scene i knew in the back of my mind what we were in for. The acting was shocking and totally unrealistic. Not that movies are nowadays but this was a different level. The first 20-30 minutes was slow and due to the complexity of the plot i figured it was needed and that it would soon pick up- yet it didn't.

The ending was hugely unsatisfactory and I cannot say that i would ever watch this again in my right mind.

The only reason for the three stars is that the plot had a lot of potential, if you were to describe it to someone they would definitely be interested and would want to watch the movie.

They did Morgan Freeman dirtyyy

P. S the language on the wall isn't zulu, swahili... they are two completely different languages!!!
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