Santa's Boots (2018 TV Movie)
Santa's cute.
5 February 2023
Santa's Boots (2018) -

They actually started doing things early enough to pull off the events and activities that they planned in this film. It was a Christmas Miracle and it was refreshing.

There were many obvious similarities to 'Charming Christmas/The Secret Life Of Mrs. Claus' (2015) and although I liked that one too, I thought that this one just had the edge over it, perhaps because the relationship progressed so naturally and sweetly.

I liked the flirtations between Noah Mills as Nick and Megan Hilty in the role of Holly. It seemed real and what I would expect the beginnings of a budding connection to be. I could get behind them and wished for their success.

I also appreciated the fact that they didn't have a silly falling out, but that their getting to know each other was interrupted in another way, for a change up of the usual formula.

However, I couldn't understand why the other men in town all wanted to try on Nick's boots or what the incentive was for them? I wouldn't want to wear another man's shoes, men's feet are gross, sweaty and stinky.

It would also be highly unlikely that the boots didn't fit at least one other person in town. That element, although the title of the story and trying to be like Cinderella could have been omitted and the film could have been renamed.

In general this film was a nice, simple and easy story with heart and without any obvious issues. I could refer back to previous reviews, where the fact that even independent shops would have had to plan their seasonal changes far more in advance might have been mentioned, but they did try to give it the time that it needed in this one, so I liked that.

It didn't seem to be trying to use all the usual tricks and although it was a story that had been done many times before, it was a good interpretation. I like Megan Hilty and I will be looking for more outings by Noah Mills.

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