Supernatural (2005–2020)
Entertaining Show
20 October 2022
15 years , 327 so only jumping if you have a lot of spare time on your hands.

It has its ups and downs, ignore all the controversy around the external things, just make your own judgement, it sets a high bar which some episodes didn't reach, it made mistakes, it's perceived as a show that would appeal to women because the leads are good looking. They are, but it's not, it's unique in being one of the increasingly few shows that portray relationships between sibling brothers who are straight white men who can and do show they love for each other in the most extreme ways, it brings in an extended cast to help carry the load as time goes on who are likable, some storylines crash and burn , other soar, but there something for everyone to enjoy.

It's well made, fans of cinematography will be able to luxuriate in the amazing lighting, direction, the sets are second to non and Canada officers her own take on America's back roads that whilst not authentic, give an atmospheric feel. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
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