Last Light (2022)
Definitely worth watching.
20 October 2022
Very well paced, gripping, suspenseful series!

Very good actors. Good production values. Good cinematography.

Grabs you at the beginning and never lets go. Definitely a "good watch".

No flashbacks (that so many UK/BBC series are, unfortunately, so fond of).

No sex. Almost no drinking or smoking! Unbelieveable!

OK, this could be classified as a Disaster Movie, Apocalyptic, Message or Action movie.

Certainly lots of each.

OK, the story is unreal and even features a rich, messianic bad guy who seems willingto kill everyone, governments and countries because they haven't paid sufficient attentionto global warming, climate change, use of fossil fuels etc. Somehow he has managed to develop thousands of followers who will foster world-wide chaos. Geez!

The main characters (an Oil scientist, his wife, daughter and blind son) provide the "personal" part of the series. Their problems fit into the story quite well, rather than just being some thrown-in stuff to provide moments of personal anguish.

There are a few stupid, unrealistic moments but you just have to groan or laugh and then move on, just as you do with other movies of this ilk.

Finally, the weakest episode is the last when the series's heavy-handed "message" to the world is stressed and, of course, thec "bad guy" gets what you expect him to get.
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