A wonderful adventure retold through disappointment
8 September 2022
Well IMDB messed up and my long in depth review was lost. I'll say this. This show was effortless fun and I felt like the story and voice actors cared and delivered everything with feeling and intensity. This feels lifeless and pushy. It feels like someone retelling a joke or story. It's not the same thing at all.

Going back to the original show I get a much different feeling. Everything about the original feels like a project of passion, a well told story about a girl down on her luck and the weird situations with a cat or a dog? This feels like no one cares.

There's too much exposition. Too many details pushed into episode one. No character development and focus is all over the place. The jokes that were simple and hilarious are now watered down and forced. Deckard was previously a part of Bee's story but in this one it seems like the show is Bee and Puppycat also featuring Deckard's family.

Everything about this is wrong. I don't like what this has become. I'm glad it will introduce more people to Bee and Puppycat but I wish it had the soul of the original. It feels desperate and altered. Where is the love and glee we used to hear in Bee's voice? Why are we pushing so much story? Why does everything need context right away but various story elements just get dropped? I don't get it.

Case and point. The scene with the umbrella and ice. Watch the new version compared to the original and wow did they butcher that. One of my favorite and to me the most well told and hilarious joke in a cartoon ever was short and sweet with so much emotional intensity. Now it's a watered down and forced retelling of that joke. This tells you everything about how much this show lost.

If this show gets more episodes I beg Natasha to find whatever heart and soul she invested in this show originally. It feels like she lost it and it makes me sad.
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