We always have a Last Chance
19 August 2022
This movie moved me. Not because I am Christian (tho cannot lie that I am biased, but do try to be an objective reviewer on IMDB) but because this film reminded of the courage of people that do good things in bad places without concern for their personal safety.

Missionaries have been going into places in the middle of nowhere, subject to parasitical disease and paramilitaries, to help people otherwise long forgotten. This film is a testament to them, so right out of the box they get 7 points. I added a point for the cinematography, script and direction. Not to mention the beautiful Bobbie Phillips.

Standout for me was Dan, played by Richard Tyson. He played the role perfectly and was immensely likable as the tough guy who turns humbly to God when miracles happen.

In all honesty, Last Flight Out (great title, btw) is not worthy of a 10 as I have seen here, but even less worthy of the obviously low ratings than averaged this fine film out to barely over 5. Whenever there is a Christian themed movie, the trolls seem to appear out of nowhere and since the low scorers here did not bother to give a reason for said score via a review, you have to wonder if the only thing these people saw was Billy Graham as producer, not the actual movie.
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