"I believe we've been through time dilation"
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After viewing the film I thought, that seems like a television pilot and subsequently learned that apparently a series had been considered before it was changed to a feature film. It's not an engaging film and the two best characters were dead by the end, Dr. John Caball played with dignity by Barry Morse and Omus played with no dignity by Jack Palance, though both actors were at least watchable. It also had the beauteous Carol Lynley as Nikki who unfortunately wasn't in it that much. The main story was carried by younger actors Anne-Marie Martin as Kim and Nicholas Campbell as Jason who were rather boring. As for the robot 'Sparks', the less said the better. The low budget didn't help, particularly with the visuals apart from a couple of good looking space craft. The movie lacked any excitement and attempts to inject a sense of wonder fell flat.

There was a scene where the newly repaired robot 'Sparks' demonstrated he could teleport from one place to another and it was treated like it was a party trick! No one was impressed or asked how or even thought it might be a useful thing to know. That was a trifle bizarre.
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