Review of Entourage

Entourage (2004–2011)
Enjoy The Ride
27 April 2022
Brilliantly entertaining show.

Something like this is impossible to shoot today because today's film production has almost ruined the entertainment, and most movies and TV shows are unwatchable.

We have four main characters here, and you could say five, because Jeremy Piven is great in the role of Ari Gold, but the most in focus are four friends. And those four friends are incredibly entertaining, all the more so because they're not like the characters the so-called entertainment industry puts into almost every series and movie today.

Today, comedy is almost dead, and every movie and series is predictable and boring. This is pure fun, without the usual unnecessary things, and that in itself makes it great.

Adrian Grenier is Vincent Chase, an actor who shares everything with his friends and his brother, Johnny Drama, played by the great Kevin Dillon. Vincent Chase is a likeable actor who lives his dream, and his friends give him support and in a way take care of his career and sometimes save him from himself.

Kevin Connolly did well in the role of Eric Murphy, Vincent's friend who is in a way also his manager and sometimes steers him on the right track.

Jerry Ferrara is Turtle, and he definitely contributes to the fun with his comic behaviour.

Perhaps the funniest character is Johnny 'Drama' Chase, Vincent's brother, brilliantly portrayed by Kevin Dillon. Jeremy Piven is great in the role of Ari Gold, a fast-talking manager who is definitely a great addition to these characters.

The characters are offensive by today's standards, and that's exactly what makes them so much fun.

The show does not burden the viewer with unnecessary things, but gives him an escape from reality, which is the basic function of any entertainment.

Simply great.
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