The Conners (2018–2025)
Started at a solid 5 and has moved downhill from there
7 March 2022
This show started out at a solid 5. Despite the sudden loss of the driving force of the show, the first season of The Conners seemed to do a decent job. They highlighted how an average family can weather poverty and loss while also dealing with the generational conflicts that will naturally happen when you have three generations trying to inhabit the same space without killing each other. In the second season it started slipping, and has continued to do so ever since. Now in season 4 we have reached a generous 2/10 and absolutely NONE of the original magic is left. It is almost entirely filled with this or that political/social agenda and the acting and writing have both become painful to witness. No matter what your opinion of Rosanne's politics is, anyone who is being honest has to admit that the original series was awesome (until we got to season 9 and things started to go seriously off the rails) where this show started off average at best and is now a complete dumpster fire.
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