Pumpkinhead (1988)
Rather enjoyable late 1980s creature feature...
4 November 2021
The 1988 horror movie "Pumpkinhead" from director Stan Winston is actually a classic horror movie in its own rights.

Oddly enough, then I've never really paid much attention to the "Pumpkinhead" movies. I remember watching the 1988 original movie back around the time it was just out, but never took a particular liking to it. Then I watched the third movie some years ago, but again never really were won over. But then I opted to sit down in 2021 and watch the movies back to back.

And I have to say that while I had watched the 1988 "Pumpkinhead" movie once, I had been missing out on a good horror experience in the classic sense of a creature feature. And writers Mark Patrick Carducci, Stan Winston, Richard Weinman and Gary Gerani definitely managed to conjure a wholesome and entertaining horror movie with the script for "Pumpkinhead".

Yeah, this is horror the way they used to make them, so if you enjoy the horror golden era of the late 1980s, then "Pumpkinhead" should definitely be something for you. Trust me, I found this movie to be much more interesting and entertaining than I initially remembered it to be, after having sat down to watch it again in 2021. The storyline proves to be entertaining from the very beginning and up to the end.

The movie is nicely carried by Lance Henriksen in the lead role, And while I weren't particularly familiar with the young cast in the movie, then they definitely put on good enough performances, and it was something that fit right into the late 1980s horror movie genre.

What I do like about "Pumpkinhead", aside from the storyline and Lance Henriksen, it was the creature design. The design of the demonic conjured creature in this movie was very interesting and the props department definitely did an amazing job in bringing Pumpkinhead to life on the screen. And it was especially fulfilling that the creature was given so much screen time and most of the time in adequate lighting that let you see the design and the details clearly, whereas many horror movies back in the late 1980s were filmed in rather dark locations devoid of proper light.

If you haven't already seen the 1988 movie "Pumpkinhead", then by all means do so if you get the chance, because this is a very enjoyable and entertaining horror movie.

My rating of "Pumpkinhead" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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