Better than Snapped but still has lots of flaws
22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like these types of shows, having watched all of Snapped right up to today, I think this show is actually better.

Rather than the "slow motion" recreations Snapped does, this one does super quick cuts, which is easier to watch overall, however like Snapped, they get people who are way way better looking than the subjects they're playing, which is annoying.

Also EVERY female killer on this show "was a beautiful girl in high school and had her pick of suiters" and you look at them and think "that's beautiful?" Did she attend "Ogre High?" EVERY ONE.

The show moves quicker than regular Snapped and Snapped now focuses on the victim rather than the killer, this show still focuses on the killers, so you don't get ten minutes of the victim's favorite hobbies.

One problem is the 60-90 recap of the upcoming episode before the credits start. If you watch this, you won't need to watch the show. Like a lot of these shows, they do a 60-90 second recap of the episode so far AFTER each commercial which is super annoying. We do not need this. But yeah, it's just padding.

I've noticed they have "reporters" appear in a lot of these episodes, despite having nothing to do with these criminals (not in region). So they're just getting people to comment on the case and giving them a script of idea of what to say and that's stupid - almost unethical

But the absolute worst thing is the "counselors" or "doctors" or simply "FBI agents" who tell us dumb people what they were feeling. I think some of these people are literally just actors. There was one "FBI Agent," and older lady who I don't believe was an agent or a doctor: "She was abused as a child and this can lead to issues growing up." Really? I did not know that, thank you for that amazing insight!

"Cindy was an attractive girl and this is something David would like."

Wow, another amazing insight us dumb folks would never have gotten without the actress playing an FBI agent filling us in.

They really need to stop this idiocy.

The narrator here is better than the regular Snapped episodes but overall it's similar to Snapped but a better version. Still, like Snapped, these would be so much better as a 30 minute episode.
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