Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014 TV Movie)
This time New York must brace for the Sharknado.
5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this film, during a certain point water just starts flooding the streets, but throughout the film there has been no rain. Yes, welcome to Sharknado 2, a film that tries to use The Army of Darkness humor and action and fails miserably to do so. The only thing that made these films do anything is a ridiculous concept that is already wearing thin during this sequel. I cannot believe 4 more of these would be made. The main difference between this film and the first is at least the first film had rain and a lot more sharks, yes, to me it seemed there was less shark action in this film; of course, they make up for it with D-list celebrities galore.

The story, the hero from the first film and Tara Reid are flying to New York when their plane gets attacked by flying sharks as they reproduce the scene from Twilight Zone. Tara loses her hand and the hero Fin lands the plane after the pilots are killed. This is pretty much the best scene in the film. After this, Fin must then go and try to rescue his brother-in-law at a ballgame while his sister has to escape Staten Island as the storm approaches. Fin comes up with plans to extinguish the tornado, but will the plan work and do we even care?

These SyFy shark films make those made by the Italians to capitalize on Jaws look so much better. We get lots of sharks, but like I said, it did not seem as many as the first and there seemed to be more blood in the first too. This one though did have several cameos if you call Andy Dick and Al Roker celebrities and we even get Jared the Subway spokesman, the less said about him the better. What a great list of cameos! You also get Downtown Julie Brown who wasn't relevant when she was relevant and one hit wonder Billy Ray Cyrus! Yeah, doesn't really inspire you to run to see this thing does it?

So we get lots of inexplicable action and strange things that take place for no reason. I know, you are not supposed to take a film like this seriously, but how does a hotel start flooding on the inside when just outside it isn't even raining and there is no water on the streets. Yes, the water had risen to the third floor on the inside and there was not a drop outside. There is being unrealistic in a manner that is awesome and then there is just being unrealistic and dumb and this is the latter. All that being said, it is still entertaining in a way, just not in a good way.
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