Extremity (2018)
Had potential
23 April 2020
I will not spoil this because it honestly isn't worth it. I usually write reviews on movies that I believe are either really good or really bad. This was the latter. This movie was pretty solid from the beginning with decent acting; however, midway through the movie it became a train wreck. It leads you to believe one thing is going to happen, but it completely switches up. I know you're thinking that "that's a plot twist", which it is, but it added nothing to the story. The movie is filled with a ton of flashbacks that serve purpose to the movie, but are unexploited to the point where they were only useful for the next five minutes of the movie. I had to actually change my star count after writing this review because just trying to find something good to say about this movie is hard. Still worth it to give a watch because everyone has a difference in opinion and my opinion means very little.
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