Donnie Darko But Not?
13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Time collapsing, 'figments', having to restore time and space before the universe collapses on itself, being stuck in a 'timeline where the normal laws of time and space don't apply', it all starting with a tragedy out of nowhere, having flashbacks of moments that they don't exactly remember, having 'figments' that help guide you to fix the timeline, like there's the two men in black (can't recall their names, don't care to look at the credits again or cast list), they suddenly just appear and start explaining what's happening to her and guide her to fix what's happening, and when she sees them in a flashback and talks to them, they're paramedics and don't know the main character at all. Having characters that are like the "Manipulated Living", but guess what? IT'S APPARENTLY ALL JUST IN HER FRIEND'S HEAD! So I just watched Donnie Darko again yesterday, read more into the PoTT, and it honestly seems plausible. As out there as it is, it's at least explained in a way where you can actually understand the events of the movie. In this? The explanation is just, oh you got into a crash with your friend and now that she's stuck in this "coma", deep in her mind her hatred and resentment is causing a time loop? And along with the guilt that Maddie(main character, think that's her name) carries? I don't get how that causes space and time to collapse on itself. An explanation was given from the science teacher about electrons and what if you applied this force to trillions and trillions of them, and just, it all sounded so half and far fetched. I'm watching it a second as I write this and it's still such a mess. I feel like the premise, if explained more realistically and logically, and just not seeming like he pulled it out of his back, it might actually be interesting. The acting is atrocious, the second that I seen the main character I just knew what I was in for, and the effects in this movie are just terrible, there's a tornado in one scene for whatever reason and it is TERRIBLE. The direction in the movie isn't terrible, but it's certainly nothing we haven't seen before. There are a few nice shots, a few nice sequences that have good camerawork, the colours are bright, like the reveal of the whole crash is honestly quite nice, though I feel like it was a bit contrived of the end scene of Donnie a Darko with the same concept, showing the exact moment that started this 'glitch' in time, it's just, too coincidental. Though you can get a few laughs from this movie. There's a scene with Jes(the best friend) that caught me really off guard and made me laugh off. And the bad acting gets a good laugh too.
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