The Dukes of Hazzard (1979–1985)
Catherine, yeah! and the General Lee... but as for the rest...
29 January 2020
You know what? I don't like this. I cannot be a fan of something that is such a missed opportunity to have done something better. I am, however, enthralled by Catherine Bach as Daisy Duke (when she's properly presented, not as just a sideline character).

This show made some classic mistakes which makes it embarrassing to watch today. You have here an idiot as a sheriff and that goofy rich old guy as the force of all evil... they chase about a couple of irresponsible layabouts who have no visible income yet can afford to fly cars. Yes, they fly cars. Everybody knows that one jump like that is a smashed chassis and poor white trash farmer folk cannot keep up with extensive repairs every week. They are seen driving through river beds and crashing through barns and, wow, they're little playboys really. I have no respect for them.

Sheriff Roscoe is clearly a borderline idiot. Winning against such an idiot doesn't make you a hero. The show needed a proper evil baddie.

The concept of the two brothers? Aw come on, much better idea: Uncle Jesse, daughter Daisy struggling on farm, he has that moonshine background, they find it difficult to make ends meet, but there is this race-car driving drifter Bo/Luke (composite character) who lands job as ranch foreman and together they try to save the farm... yes, with a Boss Hogg and a Sheriff Coltrane, but mean dudes, a J.R. Ewing type and a... hoo, I had to think now, cold-as-ice, mean-as-hell Duke Kelly in A SMALL TOWN IN TEXAS... hell, yes... glory be, that would have been a winner...! But what I'm really getting at is... the guy and the girl together in the car... chase movie... a la DIRTY MARY CRAZY LARRY...

Okay, I'm just dreaming here. But perhaps you'll now catch my drift when I say "lost opportunity to have done something better"

Okay, to the actual show: Catherine Bach is great, but under-utilized. The General Lee is a classic, the chase scenes well-filmed, even if too over the top, those jumps, aw come on, no car gets away with that... (they went through 300+ stunt cars, that should tell you something) The irritating yahoo's are utterly, utterly inane, also sound fake, totally fake. The Balladeer I like, though at times, he repeats himself.

I'm currently watching ep. 11, I bought grab-bag three seasons, that will be enough. Years ago bought DVD of remake, hated those smarmy arrogant dudes, thought the original would be better. Well, it is. But I still don't like Luke and Bo. The casting was way, way off, everybody except Catherine, and the other girl in the pilot episode. Even Denver Pyle needed to pull up his socks.

The basic idea has oodles of charm. But I can't cheer for these guys. Some good ingredients go into the mix, a few rotten eggs though... cake looks like the remains of one of those stunt cars.

By the way, I watched the 20th Anniversary Barbecue on the DVD today and I do feel like a traitor every step of the way for still perpetrating this here entry, but... let's face it...

Before you guys hate me too much, I am also the guy putting up the Quotes on the individual episode pages here on IMDb. Before me, it was just gearhead territory, everything done wrong in the General Lee pointed out in the Goofs. So, yes, I'm watching, paying attention, here and there, a chuckle.

But do I see any hope for the following seasons? Nope.

Y'all feel free to kick me to the sidewalk now, y'hear?
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