A Christmas in Tennessee (2018 TV Movie)
Ridiculous clothes and props - totally incongruous for the supposed era!
12 December 2018
I watched five minutes of this film and realized that it was cheaply and lazily made. The first scene with the old cars and antique cash register seemed to indicate a time period of the 1940s or 1950s at the latest, but almost nothing fit, especially the clothing! Children did not wear colorful, pastel clothes and tights didn't exist! This was also true of young women - skinny jeans - are they kidding? Also hair was not long and unconfined. Any adult woman would have such hair up, in a bun or something similar; and a child would have her hair in braids or barrettes. Also, it may be politically incorrect, but I doubt that an African-American woman would have had a position of authority in a grammar school. Nor would she have been on such easy terms with the white heroine. This is not predujice, it's simply the truth of the period.

Anyway, I was so disturbed by these obvious inaccuracies that I had to stop watching the film. I wouldn't have been able to enjoy any part of the story. My whole time would have been spent decrying the incongruities! Also, any youngster watching this film would get a totally wrong impression of the period! How could any responsible movie maker(s) fail so completely!
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