Nice Love Story
1 August 2018
The life from David does change as soon as he is meeting this crazy, childish, adventurous woman who turns him into a more lovely guy. Together with her he experiences a real roller coaster of emotions and their time together brings lots of ups and downs in their lives as well because she likes David but at the beginning she must clarify her relationship with another man who as soon as she meets David she spontaneously radically drops him off (her first guy) from her life and decides to begin the adventure with the sensitive David who believes her and lets her into his life, now knowing what is about to happen. As soon as he lets her into his home and spends his time with her, he realizes that she is a bit crazy in her own way but she also falls in love with him and it takes time until David expresses his emotions towards her that's why she seems a bit frustrated and so arguments appear but their time together in silence proofs that love is what we feel not what we talk. So they soon understand their connection and begin to truly feel for each other. I definitely like this film. Also the acting performances are realistic and so very good.
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