At best, an introduction for superior things to come
26 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"The Black Ghiandola" is an American 16.5-minute short film from 2017 and don't be fooled by the comic picture here as this is a live action movie. It takes place in an post-apocalyptic scenario that could be right out of The Walking Dead where we have one chubby male character help in saving a teenage girl no matter what it takes. But aside from the very generic and mediocre story, the real reason to watch this one may be all the big name supporting players they got to agree to play a minor part in here. I will spare you the names as you can check out the cast list for yourself, but you can also check out the crew list. The ending looks like they actually plan(ned) to follow up on this one, perhaps in the form of a recurring series. They probably won't get the big names to star in there too, but we will see if it happens. Judging from the quality of this short film overall, I am not too interested in seeing it unless they step things up considerably. So all in all, I give this one a thumbs-down and a negative recommendation, even if it is not a failure by any means. Fans of the genre can still check it out, they just should not expect any greatness or anything really innovative to said genre here. Fans of the big name actors can give it a go too, but turn it off after their favorite showed up as honestly, they disappear as fast as they appear. Watch something else instead.
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