Batman Dead End: Outstanding
23 January 2018
When you go into these fan made shorts it's hard to have any hope that they will deliver. How do you make something like Batman with a non-existent budget?

Standing at around the eight minute mark this short see's Batman hunting down the Joker on the streets of Gotham. Newly broken out of Arkham Asylum he isn't the only thing that hides in the darkness.

As hard as it is to believe but this is Batman vs Joker vs Aliens vs Predator and it looks fantastic! The sfx are considerably better than you'd expect and the whole thing is constructed so well I'm genuinely upset there isn't a feature length movie.

I'd consider this a must watch for Batman fans and would love to see more by these guys.

The Good:

Looks amazing

Great concept

The Bad:

Batmans costume looks naff

Things I Learnt From This Short:

If fans can make this masterpiece then what's the excuse for Batman vs Superman?
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