Lighthearted '80s fun with solid lead performances
31 December 2017
'Electric Dreams' isn't the sort of film I'd usually watch, but I was drawn to it for a few reasons. The first was Lenny von Dohlen - I'd only known him as Harold from 'Twin Peaks', and thought he was a peculiar choice for a lead role. The second was Virginia Madsen; I'm not too familiar with much of her work, but I watched 'Candyman' a few months ago and thought she was a brilliant actress. Neither of these two performers disappoint in 'Electric Dreams'. The writing is a little hit-and-miss, especially when the computer begins to acquire a personality. It isn't as detrimental as it could have been, though, due to the film's lightheartedness. This was director Steve Barron's first feature project and the only film he directed in the '80s - he spent most of the decade directing music videos for the likes of Bryan Adams, A-ha and even Michael Jackson. The director's background will make a lot of sense when you watch 'Electric Dreams' -- if you're expecting something quite cerebral like Spike Jonze's 'Her', you'll be disappointed.
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