Wolf Lake (2001–2002)
Another awesome show cancelled !
19 October 2017
This post have no spoilers, I only wish that more and more viewers would

get to know about this truly wonderful show so it is all about supporting this and similar shows ! Something need to be done seriously, for example I have very good idea how to support great show which get cancelled by TV network cause it is not fulfilling their greedy expectations. Idea is to organize petition by the fans of the show which includes their valid informations of course and then send open letter to TV network, that fans of the show would like the network to continue with the show or fans will simply stop watching all other shows on that particular network, so by loosing many viewers I think network would seriously consider to continue with the show ! Such petitions already happened and I think even Family Man when still at the beginning got support from fans cause TV network had intention to cancel it ! Of course such petition would only work if got support from enough fans and also ALL of them should firmly stick to decision to boycott network (in this particular case CBS) until they decide to continue with the show ! I think sincerely that such good quality show as Wolf Lake deserves such support and also some others that were good but cancelled to soon. Many complain how angry they are for their beloved show have been cancelled but how many of us are truly ready to support our dear show seriously with mentioned petition, for example I would immediately support such petition if someone would organize it ! I am not able to organize such thing, I know many are capable of that, but I would support it for sure!
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