A rom-com written for church goers about small minded people
3 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As rom-coms go, it's a passable attempt, but it struck me that this is the first time I have seen an actively Christian, anti-Atheist propaganda piece masquerading as a rom com. I liked the lead actress, I can't place where I might have seen her. The lead men, are D-grade clones of Jason Segel (the pastor) and Channing Tatum (hubby). Both played pretty well by the actors, to be fair to them.

The premise is that a worldly wise, good-natured but somewhat cynical non-believer gets burnt by cheating Tatumclone, they break up but shortly thereafter her father in law dies. Not wanting to upset her loving but conservative mother-in-law she moves to the small town and supports Mother-in-law, there meeting her late sister-in-law's widower(Segelclone), the town god-botherer. The town hates her, under the mistaken believe she cheated on her hubby and is now doing so with the Pastor.

She is redeemed by developing an interest in scripture, stops asking intelligent questions and accepts that whatever the pastor tells her is right. She is then accepted and loved. By all.

It's not only anti-atheist, its also remarkably anti-feminist in an appalling way.

That said, my wife, who is both a feminist and an atheist, thought it was lovely and wasn't remotely enraged by it in the way I was.
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