Trashy and occasionally nonsensical
16 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME is a Canadian version of the famous H.G. Wells novel, although other than mankind colonising the Moon it seems to have little to do with that book. Instead it's a cheap and cheesy space opera, one of dozens rushed out in the wake of STAR WARS, and in terms of enjoyability, this can only be classed as so-bad-it's-good entertainment. A bunch of wooden actors work their way through cardboard sets and scenery while cheesy models stand in for space flight and the like. There are dumb robots ripped off from FORBIDDEN PLANET's Robbie and Jack Palance chewing the scenery in his own inimitable way as the villain of the piece. At least 'guest stars' Barry Morse and John Ireland have the grace to look embarrassed by their presence in this trashy, heavily dated production.
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