Review of Logan

Logan (2017)
Such a sad farewell.
17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really can't get how in the world people are rating this movie as highly as they are. You would think they have never seen this done, and done better.

Yes, I understand that Logan is a heartfelt character dear to us, but THINK people! For that very same reason we should be holding this movie to a higher standard, and not giving it an emotional pass.

To, me, this film was slow and depressing a-la No Country For Old Men, without ANY of the Oscar-worthiness. It was just droll, SUPER PREDICTABLE, moronic in its' execution and so very far-fetched. (Yes, imagine saying 'far-fetched' for a movie based on a comic)! They spun and bent a bunch of things to get them to where they were in the year 2029 and tried to make it believable (it wasn't). Then, they try to impress upon your heartstrings Logan's connection or ties to the little girl, but the connection or ties are SILLY at best. Not only the supposed ties between them are silly, but the entire plot is full of silly holes.

Not SILLY, you say? Let me get this straight ... you are trying like hell to get away from the bad guys, and ummmmm, you STOP FOR A MINI VACATION - not ONCE, but TWICE, and put hundreds of strangers in jeopardy the first time, and a nice family in danger the second time? Yeah, sure. Seriously, anyone who could get over that gaping ridiculousness and who can, after that, in good conscience give this movie anything above a 6 is just messing with you or has total fan-boy blinders on.

As for the little girl, god, she was annoying and aggravating AF and 80% of her screen time was spent shrieking. Nooo, not screaming. SHRIEKING.

The rest of the acting was good. The members of the family they added as filler in the middle of the movie were the only ones IMO that you kind of cared about. Even old Professor X had seen better days and you kind of wanted it to be over for him. It was just painful to watch, and I don't mean in a moving way where the film is made better, but in a painful oh god, kill him off already way.


The ending was unreal in how bad it was. Without giving too much away ... you have one little girl who is able to take out like 10-12 guys, PLUS you have Wolverine, PLUS a BUNCH of other mutant kids who have varying degrees of mutant abilities, and yet they can't take out a small group of bad guys?

W T H ?

As for Hugh Jackman, he was good and played Logan like he always has done except maybe this time he looked older and more tired which was a good thing because it translated unto the screen and gave Wolverine some credibility. Otherwise he was just there. The gushing over his acting this time around IMO is unwarranted, as he really didn't do anything that much different than he has on every other X-Men movie and if anyone disagrees, I defy them to point out what. Props also to the action in the film, and to how it was filmed. The action scenes alone are what I imagine 'made' the movie for most people.

All in all, I wasn't impressed.

Don't get me wrong - it wasn't a horribly BAD movie, I just don't agree that it was very good and I really don't agree with the overrating or the assessment that it is in ANY way a "masterpiece". If you look at it just on paper, you would think that the people that are reacting to it in such a way have ONLY EVER watched comic-book movies in their lives and have now seen a drama sold as a comic-book movie and their brains are exploding as they process it as innovative and different.

In closing, I understand that Hugh Jackman is getting older, and the great dilemma was 'how exactly do you keep making movies with an actor who is aging, playing a character who is supposed to rejuvenate or heal'? You don't. You kindly retire the character, as the creators of the franchise have chosen to do. The thing is, they could have really made it to where it wasn't SO depressing and/or bleak with no real outlook toward the future except a bunch of kids you are NOT at all INVESTED in, or care one iota about.

A bad ending for a good character, was just bad cinema. RIP Logan. hopefully, at some point you will miraculously resurrect so that you can be given the farewell you deserve.

My actual rating is 6.5-7/10, but some reviewers have gone over the top crazy with the 10s.
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