Very good!
13 September 2016
I've seen The Truman Show a multitude of times, and each time it gets better. First watching it at a young age (Roughly 10 years old), I never picked up on much of the deeper meaning behind the film. The idea of someone's whole life being a television program was simply entertaining. Now, as an older viewer and with more experience in analyzing books and movies, I can really pick up on the satirical meaning behind the plot. Truman plays the star of a 24/7 television program. His entire life is broadcasted for all the world to see. He is raised to believe that there is no real reason to try and leave his perfect "island". Throughout the film, we watch as Truman tries time and time again to discover the truth behind his life, and as he attempts to escape. The struggle he experiences while trying to break free from the artificial world can be seen as a satirical message. The world is trying to oppress you, and although difficult, you can escape. This is supported by a statement made by the creator of the Truman show. He said, "We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented. It's as simple as that". Several other hidden messages (Ideas) appear throughout the film. All the actors who play roles in Truman's life, are indeed fake. Despite directly lying to a person whose life is immediately affected by that lie, the actors/actresses show no emotion for Truman. This is comparable to the lack of care society has for the majority of its citizens. Overall, The Truman Show is filled with subliminal messages and hidden meanings, all of which can be directly tied back to daily life.
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