Gotham (2014–2019)
Best Penguin Ever!
6 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am actually surprised how much I like this. Its a bit of Goth and a bit of Noir and a bit of Comic-Con rolled in one.

I wasn't a fan of Smallville, so the idea of Gotham before Batman didn't really appeal either, at first. Normally it just tastes like barley before its brewed - the story just isn't ready. But thanks to interesting acting from Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue and especially Robin Taylor (Penguin), Gotham without Batman is still interesting. Bit like a glorified Gothic Law and Order or something..

Robin's Penguin reinvention is really what I like. Simply way more interesting than the camp clown cliché portrayed by Burgess Meredith or the pervert-raised-by-penguins(wtf...) played by Danny DeVito. Robin Taylor that is, not Robin Grayson LOL.

BTW seeing Sean Pertwee in a decent ongoing role is also interesting.

What I definitely don't like is "Fish" (Jada Smith). She tries to scare me but she doesn't. Sorry folks, no Heath Ledger here just us Spice Girls trying to act all baddie. I'm annoyed when her scenes start and relieved when they end.

Here in Australia we only have half of season one so far, and the story seemed to get off to its anticipated slow start. What kept me coming back was the developing storyline, good production effort and some of the acting.

I am keeping an eye on this one, because whatever it has planned I think it has only gotten started.
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