Cyber Bully (2011 TV Movie)
Really Dumb
9 September 2014
Cyberbully is so dumb, I can't put it into words. The production, direction, sound editing, cinematography and soundtrack were horrid. Even its message, the one thing you'd expect them to get right, was terrible. I read some reviews of people going "Oh the message is so amazing! Give these people an Oscar!" I even read someone saying that it shouldn't be entertaining, it should be informative. Really? I'm not saying a movie can't be informative, but it has to be entertaining. If there's nothing entertaining, I won't watch it. If I wanted to be informed about cuber bullying I would read an article about it.

Now that the elephant in the room is out of the way its time or the movie's problems. First, and I feel like it's pretty important, the sound editing was horrible. I felt like every time someone was talking, there was equally loud background noise or music. Oh the music! Every track was horrible. Sound editing wise, Every sound made my ears puke.

The acting was pretty terrible. Nothing really to add. The dialog was also bad. It made the characters very unreleasable. Every time they talked I just thought "SHUT UP!". I'll give an example. There is a scene in the classroom where the main character (I don't remember her name so I'll call her "Pants") is talking to another person who is being cyberbullied for being gay. Their classmates call him insults such as "fag". And Pants' reply is "Yeah, but you're actually gay, what they're saying about me isn't true." THAT is the person you're supposed to feel sympathy for, someone who can't feel sympathy for a fellow classmate who is also hurting. She is extremely bitchy and over privileged and so are her friends. There are other examples, but I have bigger fish to fry.

The message is also ridiculous. I'm not saying that a girl like her can't be bullied, but she is so stupid. Throughout the film, Pants had multiple opportunities to block the people who write crap about her or delete their comments. But she never did. And even stupidly enough, it turns out that she didn't know she could do this, because when another cyberbullying victim told her to block them she said she never even thought of that and she sounded extremely surprised. I nearly burst out laughing. How did she not know this? its common knowledge to even an internet rookie. It's as dumb as deleting system32.

And when she decided to kill herself, It was absolutely stupid. Long story short, she watches what might be the dumbest video ever made, that no real person would take seriously, she takes it seriously, makes a video saying she'll kill herself, uploads it, does nothing for a very long time, and finally decides to kill herself. And then we have what might be the best scene ever. We are given a long build up watching Pants' friend and her mother (Pants Senior?) rushing to her house. We expect Pants either dying, or already dead, but instead we see her desperately trying to open a bottle of pills and yells "I CAN'T GET THE CAP OFF!". I laugh intensely. She and her friend struggle and all the pills get scattered on the floor and Pants does nothing to try to pick up the pills. Instead she just cries and mumbles gibberish.

Anyways, those were the worst parts of this work of fart. There's plenty more but I figured I shouldn't bore you with details.
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