Felicity (1998–2002)
Such a lovely series bit it has so many problems
5 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm kind of late reviewing this series, but I just watched the series from start to end, which I haven't done before. And as much as I loved it for it's great actors and the forever love thing, there is so many questions that just can't leave my mind, and the end was so horrible!

As many others I just wonder why they cut out that part in the last episode about Felicity telling Elena to go to Duke University so she don't get killed. That is such an important scene. During the whole last episode I just waited for it to happened, but it doesn't and then they just show Elena alive in the last scene. This is such a big logical gap, that was really stupid of them to leave it out. Elena was such an important friend and it feels så ignorant to leave her out. There was really spaces they could have cut out in that last episode instead of that...because that last scene with Corsicov (?) with Felicity telling her story and the flashbacks is so long and slow!

In the time travel Julie comes to New York to do an audition...but before the time travel she does not visit them during that audition. And why is she missing in the last scene at Noels wedding if everyone is supposed to be there?

Other stuff I've been thinking about is Megans mystical box who is spoken about a lot in the first season. Even Megans parents tells Felicity that they have looked inside it and are concerned about Megan. And after that horrible 'Twilight Zone' episode that box never appears again. So there is just dolls inside looking like them? What was that about? Why was Megans parents even concerned about dolls, and what did Megan do with these dolls?

And somewhere in the middle of the seasons Ben and Felicity needs to do community service for breaking into the pool and Ben talks about being an after school basketball coach for kids. That felt like such a great step for Ben, showing how good he is with kids, and for a moment there I thought he would start study to be a teacher instead....but nothing more happens with that and we never sees him as a basketball coach.

In season 4 Megan decides to change her clothing style from Goth to Jackie Kennedy....but after only a few episodes looking like Jackie she starts wear normal boring clothes. That is so lame.

And the whole time travel thing was so stupid. Why couldn't Felicity forgive Ben for being with Claire in the first place? He forgive her for sleeping with Noel. And if Felicity could change the future of Elena, why did nothing else change? Megan and Sean would not have been married when she traveled back to the future, Ben would not have a baby and Noel would still be dead if Felicity traveled back that moment she did - her whole world would have changed. Instead she wakes up just as she left it. And She would not be studying a fifth collage year because she change her course back to medicine in the time travel.

The whole thing about Felicity changing from art to medicine again was such a downer. It makes me feel like all people who is thinking about a future in art would give up there dreams for something more 'realistic'. What changed her mind?

But after all, there is a lovely love story. And I really liked it anyway!
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