Review of Iron Man

Iron Man (2008)
RDJ is Iron Man
7 December 2013
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is a hard playing billionaire genius. He is captured in Afghanistan after demonstrating his newest weapon. He is forced to create new weapons for his captor. Instead he makes an armored suit to escape. He also makes an arc reactor to keep his heart going and shrapnel from killing him. Once back in the States, he moves his company to concentrate on arc reactor technology and stop weapons manufacturing.

This is all RDJ. He and he alone makes Iron Man work. It's doubtful if anybody could have done it better. It's certain that he's made it next to impossible to replace him. Director Jon Favreau has built around him the dazzling array of tech fun, and Gwyneth Paltrow as his Girl Friday. It is RDJ's fast talking, quick wit, and personal history that makes him the perfect Tony Stark. Great character, fun movie.
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