Sometimes Hilarious, Sometimes Creepy
17 September 2013
R.J. Berger (Paul Iacono) is a teenage loser who is picked on. When a jock pulls down his pants, a big surprise is revealed. Miles Jenner (Jareb Dauplaise) is RJ's best friend. He's pretty good as the big fat friend. Lily Miran (Kara Taitz) has a longterm crush on RJ. She does a funny creepy aggressive friend. Jenny Swanson (Amber Lancaster) is the cheerleader crush of RJ. She's kinda stiff.

This is an MTV show. While Paul has the geeky look, he looks much older than 15. There are a lot of sexually inappropriate story lines. Some of which are hilarious, while others are cringe worthy.... really really creepy. It lasted 2 seasons or 24 episodes. There was a noticeable drop in the 2nd season, and I really wouldn't want a 3rd season.
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