Husbands (2011–2013)
Brilliant Web-Show for a Brilliant World
4 August 2012
Husbands is the hilarious web-series from acclaimed TV Writer, Jane Espenson (Torchwood, Firefly) and YouTube sensation Brad Bell (or Cheeks as he's more fabulously known), focusing on the age old "Did we just accidentally get married in Vegas?"-RomCom setup with a notable difference; it's a same sex marriage. Camp TV star, Cheeks, and Basesball hero, Brady, find themselves hitched after a wild night in the city of sin, and now must deal with the oncoming media onslaught and whether or not to actually make the relationship work.

It's great to see a series all about equality really take off, although it doesn't rely on this as its only strength, as what you'll find is a refreshingly fun and hilarity strewn series. Espenson has taken a tired formula and revitalised it with a new-world energy, teeming with spirit and charm, plus a healthy dose of camp to keep the laughs fresh.

The way I see it, this is future at work: a bold new series focusing on a community previously unspoken for exclusively in this kind of media. Embracing the risk of an untapped source material in gay newly-weds, and sticking it on the web, network-free, proves how television is evolving to meet the open-eyed way of thinking the world has come to.

And what with mega guest stars turning up now and again (Nathan Fillion, anyone?), it looks like these 2 minute episodes are truly some of the internet's finest serial content. So roll on Husbands, because you're in it for the long haul!
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