Blubberella (2011)
The Blub in Boll
7 March 2012
Blubberella (2011)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Uwe Boll's latest centers on an obese superhero known as Bubberella (Lindsay Hollister) who joins a Renaissance to kill as many Nazis as she can. Along the way it turns out she's also a half-vampire and likes to search the internet for guys to have sex with. It's really funny that Boll has become one of the most hated targets in cinema right now yet those who hate him most continue to watch each new movie he comes out with. I love bad movies and bad filmmakers but I've yet to dig into Boll's filmography but with a title like BLUBBERELLA I just had to check this one out. There's no question that this is a pretty bad movie but at the same time I at least give Boll credit for trying to deliver one laugh every ten seconds even if the majority of them don't work. It's also clear that Boll wanted to offended as many people as possible as there are jokes aimed at all races, gays, fat people, women and we even get some blackface moments. One of the highlights of the film is a spoof of the movie PRECIOUS and I must admit that it was just so tasteless that I couldn't help but laugh. The blackface jokes in a movie made in 2011 might seem shocking to some but this is an exploitation movie after all plus it's Boll so I guess it should be expected. Even though the film takes place in 1940 that doesn't stop the director from talking about current situations like Dancing with the Stars, Corey Haim, Michael Jackson and countless other celebs. Clint Howard plays a crazy doctor in the film and we're told he was also the doctor to Haim and Jackson so you know where that joke is going. There's a gay character who gets quite a few jokes aimed at him and they seem to have been written by some teenage boys as they're so childish. Hollister isn't too bad in her role and Howard offers up some mild entertainment. Boll himself plays Hitler but I won't comment on that. BLUBBERELLA could have been a fun camp movie but the screenplay just doesn't have enough going for it to work. There simply aren't enough laughs and in the end this is just a pretty silly movie.
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