I don't care if it's a kid's movie, it can still suck
16 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I used to love Disney movies, simply because they made you laugh and cry, all while holding the title of a family movie. But now, most Disney movies are being defined by fart jokes and break-dancing animals. Seriously? Okay, the first fart joke may have been funny, but using it in every movie gets bland. And why in all new Disney movies do they have some kind of animal with a weird quirk about it that somehow ends up break-dancing at the end? (College Road Trip, Bedtime Stories, and now this) Disney is able to redeem itself with Pixar movies and movies like The Princess and the Frog, but it won't last. Why am I making a big deal about this? Because many people out there are saying that we should just leave it alone because it's a kids movie. Bull crap. The Lion King was a kids movie and it won over audiences across the world! Up was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars! And all this was achieved without fart jokes and break-dancing animals! Therefore, being a kid's movie does not exonerate it from sucking royally! And another thing, if The Lion King and Up did not use those things I have mentioned before and accomplished a spot on our movie shelves and in our hearts, shouldn't that say to Disney "Hey! Maybe if we make more movies like that, without farts and lame jokes, we'll get more audiences!"? I don't know, but I think it's sad that kids are now relying on bad humor to entertain them instead of good, old-fashioned, sturdy plot-lines. But why does this movie suck? Lame jokes, potty humor, break-dancing animals, bad plots, and horrible acting. I never thought it was possible to overact when all you're doing is a voice-over job, but this movie showed me up. The moral of this story is skip this movie. Nothing about this movie is good, even though it has an all-star cast. Like I said before, being a kids movie doesn't exonerate it from the crap category. 2 out of 10, and the only reason I'm not giving this a zero is because I still have faith in Disney (plus, IMDb doesn't have 0/10 on it's scale).
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