Where did it all go wrong...
19 September 2009
Oh dear, this started out quite promising really. Sure its well trodden ground these days, teens ship out to an island in search of a missing man, an island supposedly cursed by a schoolteacher who was killed gruesomley by an angry mob for a crime she didn't commit. So far so teen-slasher-romp. It even starts out with a half decent gore scene, but things just get worse and worse. The 'teens' are pretty unbelievable as human beings despite playing pretty defined stereotypes, although this is more of a script weakness than an acting one. Their behaviour is unintelligible given the situation with no firm moral direction, at times they behave as if finding a friend hanging from a tree with their eyes and mouth sown shut is the ultra terrifying situation it would be in real life, but then in the next breath they are all splitting up in a dark forest as if it's nothing, I know this is nothing new in a teen horror, heck its a STAPLE, but its just so contrived in this movie.

As the film approaches its predictable finale things just become a bit laughable, genuinely i can only assume they ran out of money and everything starts to fall apart, the characters do completely bizarre things, the twists make no sense, the conclusion makes no sense the film ends up making no sense. Really poor.

4/10 and thats being generous for the odd decent scene the film dishes out, oh and in a teen slasher there is SUPPOSED to be at least one topless hottie, nope they don't even get that genre necessity right
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