Close to Home (2005–2007)
One more good show that got canceled too soon
29 August 2009
Working 4 to midnight I don't get to watch too many shows and this show was one of them, I'm into police and legal dramas such as this one. Being able to watch prime time shows online that I might of missed when I was at work has been a great plus. Personally I am very disappointed when good shows such as this one get canceled, I wished networks would visit this site and read peoples feedback on shows.

Maybe then networks would have a change of heart when canceling shows that have a cult following and that networks listen to what people like and don't like. They don't and to me its a shame, I know that networks bases for canceling shows is advertising and I fully understand that but sometimes they pull the plug on a show when it's barely has time to develop That said this was one fine show a hidden pearl among a sea of trash, yet it got pulled when it was just had started to get interesting. I would of welcomed watching another season of this show,the reason why it got axed in my opinion it's because the violence was toned down. I see no other reason why anyone in their right frame of mind cancel it other than the fact that they centered the show on the investigations, rather than showing the usual blood and gore.

I really liked this show the beginning of the first season was rather slow but it picked up nicely at the end. What I did find odd who knows maybe it why it got canceled is the addition of new characters and removing others with no explanation what so ever as to why they weren't there. So the beginning of season 2 started a little weird but hang in there because once again the characters develop nicely.

Which is why I find it odd it got yanked, people tend to have loyalties to actors and when they were missing they might have dropped the show. I'm sure had they explained why the characters suddenly vanished people would of warmed up the the show once more.

I rate this show a 9 only because of the relationships that developed and I found Jennifer Finnigan/Annabeth Chase played a very convincing prosecutor. Yet she hasn't had many roles since then
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