Bored Silly (2000)
The Only Movie Playing at Furniture Row
8 July 2009
I work at a Furniture Row store, and this is the only movie we are supposed to have for the child area DVD player. I have not sat down to watch it all the way through (and never will) but I have seen and heard it in passing by enough that I can judge it. Basically all it consists of is children screaming. Loudly. Ear-shatteringly loudly. It is as if the camera was given to the kids themselves and they said "You know what would really be funny? Us screaming again!" I always turn the volume off so the show can be seen but not heard (the company insists we have it on all the time for kids). Of course a kid always turns it way up, especially if I am in the vicinity of the TV and have a good customer. I'll be in my presentation and I'll hear this show and the screams travel up my spine causing me to want to convulse, and then I can't sell anything. I used to just find this show audibly offensive, now I can't stand the sight of it either. I can only hope that one day every copy of this film will be transferred to silver nitrate so it will one day decompose and we will be forever rid of this "movie".
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