This is one of the stupidest movies of all time!
21 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Is it me, or do the writers of some comedic shows and movies, try too hard to get a laugh? I found a lot of fault with this movie. Early in the movie, Shante says that if men acted right, women would give them all the love and respect they deserved. Please! Now we all know that this is not always true, on either side. A person could be as compassionate, considerate, loving, loyal, faithful and respectful as ever, and in return they get nothing but hate, disrespect, and a barrage of blows, physical, verbal and psychological.

There is more stupidity throughout the film. There is the scene where her friend has a man who is cheating. This is where Shante advises women to plant an underwear somewhere and confront the man with this "evidence". Now, don't you think I ought to remember who I slept with last night, and what color underwear she was wearing? If she wore any at all? The fool in this movie falls for this "trick" and makes up a lie about the underwear being his sister's. That part was ridiculous.

Now, are most men still this stupid? Are they still stupid enough to bring other women into their homes, which they may share with their wives or girlfriends? Have they not seen "How to be a player"? Did they not all learn that you do NOT bring the sidepiece to the home? Did they not learn that you have to be discreet? The fool apparently didn't.

The other thing is, why confront me about something I didn't do? That whole part was pretty absurd, just like some women's habit of destroying property when a man does wrong.

The only parts I enjoyed are when Keith starts playing some games of his own. Oh, and this disgusted me. Shante slept with Keith on the first night. Very slutty and tacky indeed.

The movie makes Shante seem too full of herself. Does she really believe that her man would call her that many times after she breaks up with him? Does she really think that he would that depressed? Like Keith was in this movie?
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