Deadly Betrayal (2003 TV Movie)
You and the little stud set me up from the start!
1 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** More then worth watching just for the unintended laughs it's supplies for it's unsuspecting audience. The made for TV movie "Deadly Betrayal" has this derange psycho wine and dine women, who's children he teaches in school, to not only get into their pants but into their homes in order to burglarize them!

We later learn, even though we saw him in action at the beginning of the movie, that Boston elementary school teacher Adam Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, had a rotten and miserable childhood that lead to the crimes he committed as an adult. While a teenager Hamlton's dad thought him, with his boyish charm and active libido, to seduce rich women as daddy snuck into their homes to rob them of their money and jewelry. Now all grown up and devilishly handsome Hamilton works solo, his sick and demented dad had since passed away, robbing women of their affections as well as, which really counts, their valuables. Over the years the young snot nosed and pimple faced Hamilton had turned himself into the sexy and highly refined and cultured , he loves classical music and gourmet food, elementary school teacher that every women in town has the hots for.

It's when one of Hamilton's young students Melinda, Amanda Tilson, tells him about the trouble she has back home with her father news cameraman Jeff Randal, Robert Seeliger, and mom Donna, Nicollette Sheridan, he sees an opening to Donna's heart. Determained to score big with Donna the cool and understanding Hamilton loses himself by going straight for her jugular! With Jeff away on assignment in far off Bosnia Hamilton makes his move on the lonely and frustrated Donna and, with very little effort at all, hits the jackpot.

The big affair between Hamilton and Donna doesn't last too long with Jeff unexpectedly showing up after he, his friend Lou wasn't so lucky, was almost killed in a rocket attack in the Balkans. This has Hamilton really get down and dirty in pushing himself on Donna even though she told him that their brief affair, as hot & heavy as it was, was finished. It's then that Hamilton pulls out all stops not only to get Donna back in his good graces but at the same time breaks into her and Jeff's home. In his clumsy attempt to steal Donna's jewelry Hamilton not only almost ends up breaking his neck but leaves an important clue, his watch, that implicates him in the break-in. This all happened when he slipped and fell down a flight of stairs just as both Jeff & Donna showed up unannounced!

With him now suspected in a string of burglaries in the neighborhood Hamilton instead of lying low until the heat blows over goes full tilt in taking out his frustrations on Donna for rejecting his romantic advances! This made no sense at all since he was only after her jewelry not her love!

***SPOILERS*** As the film goes on Hamilton gets more and more ridicules to the point where he ends up getting caught in a trap, a murder suicide, that he planned for Donna and another one of his many women-Jan Cooper played by Jennifer Morehouse-admirers. In the end Hamilton got exactly what he deserved but sadly enough it wasn't the law or police, who seemed either unwilling or unable to stop him, who put an end to his insane and obnoxious criminal activities.
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